
Sunday, October 01, 2006

Who's cheating now???? Who's cheating now???

{to the tune of "Who's sorry now" with apologies to Connie Francis, who popularized the song}

Well, well, well Mr. Clemens and Mr. Pettite, what does the media say now?

My guess is to shoot the messenger and deny, deny, deny. Even though the circumstances and the so-called "evidence" is so delightfully similar to that stacked against Mr. Bonds.

I'm sure we'll hear words to the effect of "Now remember, these are just reckless accusations of a ballplayer who may have an agenda", they'll actually make Clemens defense for him rather than attack him. I don't recall Mr. Bonds getting similar consideration. Hmmm interesting.

The scumbag, know-it-all media elements like Frank Deford, Rick Telander, Jay Marriotti, Mike Lupica, Rick Reilly who wanted to string up Bonds, and I use that term for a reason, must be spinning in their sheets. I truly hope they get whiplash from the 180 spin they'll get from having to retrofit their arguments against Mr. Bonds to fit vis-a-vis their oncoming defense of Mr. Clemens.

And now all these bubble-headed cretins can use the Clemens worship articles they wrote, usuually right after crucifying Bonds, the fruit of their work product, for it's best current purpose. TO WIPE THEIR SMUG LITTLE SANCTIMONIOUS ASSES WITH.


I've always said, if a popular guy like Derek Jeter ever tested positive, we'd see these same guys trash the very testing program they worked so hard to shove down everyones throat. Although, from the Marion Jones case, we now see what a quagmire the WADA-USADA utopian world of drug testing and storm trooper tactics bring us. Hell, let's have it in baseball and high school sports for that matter.

Jason Grimsley is to the Clemens-Pettite charges what Victor Contee is to the BALCO-Bonds case. So when mouthpieces say "Well, Grimsley made these charges and then backed off them"
well guess what, so did Conte and the same beneift of the doubt wasn't given in that case. EVER.

Now let's hear from guys like David Wells and Curt Schilling, who couldn't wait to find a microphone when it was on Bonds. Talk now hyprocrites.

Just watch and listen and remember. And ask questions in your own mind and don't accept everything these media morons and quasi-racists want to shove down your throat for no reason. Or whatever their personal reasons are. Most of these guys are nothing more than modern day Klansmen in pin-striped suits.

And it's time some of the focus is put on these trainers, who are making their reputations as gurus on the basis of what appears to be fraudulent means, if not outright criminal means. I mean we barely know Barry Bonds personal trainers name, because that's what he was always referred to as, but in all these other cases, it seems as if the willing co-conspirators never suffer any consequences. They shouldn't be allowed to work in the industry again.

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