
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

BALCO II: The Orlando Case?

Loomis: 'All we want to sell is hormone replacement'
By Tom Farrey
ESPN The Magazine

The raids in Orlando and elsewhere effectively mark the formal start of the government's full-scale assault on compounding pharmacies, which differ from traditional pharmacies by creating custom creams and other products tailored to the needs of individual patients. They have become major players in the anti-aging industry, and a growing threat to big pharmaceutical companies whose drugs often cost more.

The most telling line in the story and probably the most ignored and glossed over. Follow the money, right? Isn't that what we hear all the time? Follow the money.
Interesting, very interesting.

Also, this quote: Because it doesn't seem to be the facts as reported to us by the media or the pollsters. Accoridng to them, it's all athletes and young kids.

"As far as athletes, most of our patients don't walk up to the counter," Naomi said. "We're FedExing it [to clients] so we don't actually see the person. As far as names coming through, famous athletes, we don't see them. I mean, there are a couple, but ..."

"It's a very small number," Stan said, interjecting. "I don't know of any active athletes. It's the weekend warrior where most of it is going."

And from this follow-up story:

Victor Conte, the founder and president of BALCO, the Bay Area lab which has been the focal point in the federal steroids probe, said he was not surprised by the raid.

"People from all walks of life now are using performance enhancing substances. From athletes to movie stars, there seems to be an ever-growing need to find a competitive edge," Conte said. "Maybe it's time to fully realize that we are now living in a pharmacologically enhanced society."

Maybe its just me, but Conte and Canseco it seems have been closest to being on the mark with their comments and analysis of the situation than most. Sometimes the message gets lost due to the perception of the messenger.

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