
Saturday, February 17, 2007

Beemer Update - Almost Six Months Later

It's hard to believe it's been almost six months since Beemer's injury, but he's made great progress. From the initial prognosis after surgery, when we were told he likely had a less than 50% to walk again, to now he has regained the ability to walk and run with a bit of a limp and gimp here and there (maybe he's just imitating my gait).

He was pretty good about his rehab and exercises, although he didn't really like the water therapy at all. We met some good people in support groups of owners who have dachshunds who have been through this type of event. I'm not sure how we would have gotten past the uncertainty without them. We're taking Beemer to a party with about 40-50 dachshunds tomorrow. What a site.

It's good to see the little bounce in his step and his ears flopping around when he runs to greet you or goes to get one of his toys for you to play with. At the time, we thought we might never see that again. We had to "puppy-proof" the house so he doesn't climb stairs (which he will mischievously do if you turn your back and leave the gate down) or jump off couches anymore.

But otherwise he's good as new and hopefully ready for many more years of good health, albeit a couple of pounds heavier due to the reduction in activity (again like me).

No wonder I love this dog.

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