
Monday, April 30, 2007

Miscellaneous Notes: Bulls are Running in Chicago

I think it may be time for Charles Barkley to find out who Luol Deng is. Chuck was noted for his "Who is Luol Deng?" comment around the trade deadline when the Bulls balked at trading Deng and others for Paol Gasol of Memphis. Looks like Scott Skiles and Bulls GM John Paxson knew what they had and are being rewarded for their patience. Somebody alert the Chuck wagon. I mean Deng maybe hasn't done enough to earn a spot in Barkley's "five", but apparently neither does the wheelchair-dependent Dewayne Wade. The Bulls just have no respect for their elders.
The NFL draft is in the books, and it looks like the New England Patriots, who at one time were bragging about how they would never have a Randy Moss-type on their team now have the original, having rescued him from the Raiders and out-hustling the Packers and Brett Favre for his services. Now if the only guarantee in his contract is that he'll put out 100%, 100% of the time,they might have something. I'm still not sure why the Pats are being glorified for the move instead of hammered. It smacks of a desperation, sell your soul to the devil type move, but I guess they miss not being in the Super Bowl.
I have to give credit where credit is due. According to the New York Post, the Reverend Al Sharpton along with rap mogul Russell Simmonms and the Hip-Hop Summit Network have called for the industry to clean up it's own act and refrain from using the words, "bitch", "ho" and the "n" word from their songs.

It's obvious nobody is buying the story of Snoop Doggy Poop that these are terms of endearment or some form of artistic expression. Sorry, Snoop or Poop or whatever your name is, you can't keep pissing in peoples faces and then try to fool them into thinking it's raining. The explanation that this is some form of desensitivity training to take the sting out of the words for African-Americans is bogus too. It's obviously not working if people are still offended by the term, so that strategy (story) doesn't work anymore.

To quote the Reverend Sharpton, "It's a victory for decency". It's a good opening shot in the battle for decency and civility, but the victory will be determined by how well the call is followed. Anyway, it's a good first step and you have to start someplace.
It will be interesting to see what names come out from the Mets clubhouse boys/steroid distributor testimony. The fact that the names were not initially leaked tells me we may have some potential for scrubbing of some of the names, or selective release, which is not good. More of what we've been given in the past. Not good for anyone associated with the Metropolitans for any length of ime in the past 20 years or so, however. A lot of ex-Mets must be sweating out the wait.

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