
Monday, May 07, 2007

MLB Draft Televised.. Roger's Back...and Linceum Debuts

Now we just need the MLB equivalent of Mel Kiper....and a Baseball Combine, televised, and I'll be happy, for now. But, as always, I reserve the right to bitch and complain about something. But this is good.

Who saw this coming? Call me gullible but I believed Roger when he said he didn't know if he was coming back this season. And is he telling Houston, YOU GUYS, SUCK!!! by not coming back with them? Now he's jilted the Red Sox and the Astros and at one point the Yankees. This guy really knows how to burn bridges, and repair them.....if the money is right.....and the team is desparate enough. Yeah, this will work.

(Voice of God, Bob Sheppard) Now warming up in the Yankees bullpen, The Ultimate Mercenary, Number 22, Roger Clemens. Oh yeah, Rocket's back and all is right with the world. What I'd really like to know is: Who's' the biz-notch Roger or Andy Pettitte? Aw, heck I'm just glad these fells are back together again. I couldn't stand to see Pettitte in such emotional pain. Pitching through the tears. I can hear the theme song to "Courtship of Eddie's Father" playing softly in the background.

And how will the Andy and Roger clique get along with the already fractured Derek and A-Rod relationship. Could it pull them closer together? And OMG how did Andy not know that Roger was coming back, aren't they like BFFL, I mean OMG, he didn't know, he said so on the bench.

And even Derek didn't know and he was texting and IM'ng him all the time. OMG it was such a big secret and now it's not, like OMG.

The Yankees are now the team that most resembles and acts like a hormonal, 13-year old girls softball team in American League history. Not that theirs anything wrong with that and my apologies in advance to all hormonal, 13-year old girls softball teams across the country. You go girls. NO, NOT YOU, YANKEES.

I'm sorry, I know this is evil and junk, but I'm hoping the Yankees have one more hamstring pull in them real soon. It would be poetic justice. Except some other poor, innocent Yankee underling might get fired. It's the Yankee Way.

Not since John D'Acquisto's debut for the Giants has a Giants rookie pitcher generated such anticipation and excitement. And although the stat line was not great, the stuff appeared as electric as advertised. His delivery reminds me of Orel Hershiser a bit with the head tilt. Hopefully, he has the same command and mental makeup down the road as The Bulldog. He seems like he was mumbling to himself as he pitched, hopefully batters can't read his lips from that distance. Maybe it was just nerves.

Hard-throwing righthanders under six-feet tall do not have a great track record in the majors, most end their string of domination at the collegiate level (think Richie Lewis from Florida State some years back), but Lincecum seems to have the goods.

A 98 MPH heater, and a back breaking, knee buckling curve ball, that we did not see very much off last night, gives me thoughts of Tim Hudson or Roy Oswalt in the Giants future, along with Matt Cain, and oh yes, the other Barry. This could be a fun half-decade to be a Giants fan. Now find a closer.

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