
Friday, May 04, 2007

Yankees Fire S&C Coach

The Yankees fired first-year strength and conditioning coach Marty Miller on Wednesday, on the heels of yet another hamstring injury to one of their players. The players didn't like Miller's approach:

Though the rash of similar injuries possibly could be explained by bad luck, Cashman determined that cause and effect could not be ruled out. Sources say Miller's methods were not popular with the Yankees, and the players were in near-revolt over the situation. Miller's approach included a de-emphasis of running as a way to build leg strength.

Did the Yankees fire Miller more because of the revolt over his methods or the injury to super-prospect Phillip Hughes?

Did they not know his methodology prior to hiring him?

Did they not discuss what methods would be employed and results expected?

It seems like those topics would come up in an interview.

If that's not the case, isn't that a fire-able offense against whomever hired him?

Will this tend to cause coaches, at least those employed directly by teams, to consider safety over results in the training methodology used while training in the team setting?

I'm interested in hearing from those who've been through this in a team environment It seems like they are putting the coach in a no-win situation. Doubtful if he would receive credit if the team over-achieved. I'm not even sure how a $200 million dollar a year payroll over-achieves.

It just seems like they threw the coach under the bus for an unfortunate, possibly unavoidable injury to the prospect as well as the Stankees woeful April record.

Did he take a bullet that may have been intended for Joe Torre? Torre would have been a more expensive termination, of that much I'm sure.

Of the major injuries the Yankees suffered this year:

These two reportedly did not work out under Miller:
Mussina - Hamstring
Hughes - Hamstring

These two lately have had more pieces fall off or crap out on them recently than a Ford Pinto:
Pavano - Forearm
Damon - Calf, Back

These two suffered injuries during the April Ice Age (temps under 40 degrees):
Wang - Hamstring
Matsui- Hamstring

Miller's credentials included education consultant with NASM.

He reportedly turned some players off with an overly gung-ho attitude and a program that avoided static stretching, de-emphasized running during spring training and no free weights.

Interesting that he replaced Jeff Mangold, who had been with the Yankees nearly a decade. Mangold was fired due to the number of injuries.

Must be the Yankee Way.

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