
Friday, August 31, 2007

Beemer Update - One Year Later

These two are the day after surgery at the vet hospital:

Here's Beemer shortly after surgery last year with his wheelchair:

He did not like the wheels very much at all. I think it inspired him to get better. They did help him get the feeling of his legs back underneath him, supporting his weight, until he got his strength back. They were kind of like crutches to him.

And here he is almost a year later, and virtually a full recovery.

He still has some problems with bladder control, he's not 100% back in that regard and likely never will be. He still walks a bit stiff and awkward at times, but he can run pretty good and can and does climb the stairs and jump off the couch, even though he's not supposed to. We've Beemer-proofed the house somewhat, so he can't hurt himself with his over-exuberance.

I know I said right after the surgery, that he was a tough, feisty little dog and if it was possible to fight through the initial prognosis and get better, I thought he would be able to. Well, I'm happy to say that HE DID IT!! It's good to have my little, floppy-eared dynamo greeting me at the door when I get home.

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