
Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Just so you don't think that I only notice the negative things that go on in this world, I want to note a great article that seems to mirror what I've been saying for years and years. Now that the Great Satan, Barry Bonds, is removed from our daily news and sports broadcasts, we may have time to reflect on some other pressing issues that effect both the world of sports and our nations youth.

Steroids aren't the only problem in public health

Steroids aren't the only problem in public health
We blog about steroids as a public health problem here. However, there is far more wrong in the USA public health domain than just steroids. Recent reports show that health care in the US is #42 (by one measure) and falling. The New York Times editorial is found here:

Here's a wrenching fact: If the U.S. had an infant mortality rate as good as Cuba's, we would save an additional 2,212 American babies a year.

Yes, Cuba's. Babies are less likely to survive in America, with a health care system that we think is the best in the world, than in impoverished and autocratic Cuba. According to the latest C.I.A. World Factbook, Cuba is one of 41 countries that have better infant mortality rates than the U.S.

The author cited many health issues that deserve our attention on a national level. Some that I really haven't thought about much, I have to admit. I've often said that when it comes to our nation's health, especially the health of our kids, the following topics rank as high or higher than steroids:

1. Concussions in football - really in almost any sport
2. Alcohol and tobacco use and abuse - I don't give it a pass because it's legal)
3. Other recreational drug use - amphetamines, cocaine, crack, inhalants, etc. have not gone away. Just because they aren't abused by sports stars, doesn't mean they don't deserve our attention and vigilance
4. Youth Obesity - again, just because it doesn't strike the athletic population as hard, doesn't mean it's not worthy of attention. You go, Shaq!!

Just in these areas, we could be facing a veritable tsunami of health issues in our future that will overwhelm an already rickety national health system. In a sense, the best thing to happen, the night Bonds hit #756 (other than Aaron's message) is we may finally be able to focus more attention on these issues.


  1. Thanks for the citation. Although we blog about steroids, we discuss health care daily.

    Thus far we have discussed this with Clinton, Biden, Edwards, and Richardson. We missed an opportunity with McCain.

    Health care reform should be a national proirity.

    We agree Bonds PED use pales in comparison.

    However more people read a blog on Bonds than health care.

    -Steroid Nation

  2. I know, I read your blog on a regular basis and cite it on occasion. It's linked to my blog as a favorite.

    Agree with you on the health care reform issue and the relative importance in the grander scheme of things.

    You're right though that Barry does attract peoples undivided and passionate attention both on and off the field.

  3. The obesity problem in this country is horrible. Mrs. Steroid Nation is the diabetes nurse at the Univ of Iowa. You can imagine she is swamped with business.

    33% of Americans obese; 66% overweight. Incredible isn't it!

