
Saturday, November 10, 2007


I've said on many occasions, it will not be long before we will look at this current PED-era as quaint and charming compared to what the sports landscape will be faced with in the future. UNBELIEVABLE. They say it won't have uses in sports, and wouldn't be allowed anyway, but who in their right mind believes that? When have pronouncements like that stopped anybody in the past?

Steroids have their positive uses in medicine as well, it was not long before athletes were able to discover the utility applied to healthy individuals as well. The bodybuilders have to be salivating over this one, they will without be the first human guinea pigs for illicit use. But competative athletes will not be far behind.

Genetically engineered 'mighty mouse' is the rodent Lance Armstrong
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor

Scientists have created a "mighty mouse" that is capable of trotting along at three quarters of a mile per hour (20 meters per minute) for three miles at a time, and that appears healthier, trimmer and longer lived than its peers.

These remarkable mice will underline fears that genetic engineering could one day be abused by athletes, though this kind of approach could equally well be put to good use in hospitals to help keep muscles strong and steady in old age, and reverse the effects of muscle wasting disease.

By boosting levels of an enzyme the mice became "metabolically similar to Lance Armstrong biking up the Pyrenees," said Prof Richard Hanson at Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, the senior author of a paper in the Journal of Biological Chemistry describing the rodents turbocharged with the enzyme, called phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK-C).

These genetically engineered mice, "PEPCK-C muscle mice" eat 60 percent more food than normal mice but remain fitter, trimmer - weighing half as much - and lived up to three years of age, longer than wild mice. Some female mighty mice had pups at 2.5 years of age, an amazing feat considering that most mice do not reproduce after they are one year old.

According to Prof Hanson, the key to this remarkable effect is the excessive manufacture (over expression, as scientists say) in muscle of the gene that carries the instructions for the body to make the enzyme.

In the past, such discoveries have triggered speculation that this kind of genetic tinkering could be exploited by athletes to boost performance and endurance, though Prof Hanson told the Telegraph that he believed "the possibility of using this procedure to enhance human performance is highly unlikely."

And this from

Does this make steroid use look like child's play?

Earlier on we had the incredible hulk dog, Wendy the Whippet. This time meet Belgian Blue Cattle which is famous for their double muscling due to a gene that suppresses the production of Myostatin. This breed produces extraordinary amounts of meat but critics call Belgian blues ‘monster cows’ and some countries have advocated to eliminate the strain. Check out more of Belgium Blue Cattle with 18 more pics after the jump

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