
Thursday, December 27, 2007


It may seem like a silly question to ask, but two professors, one from Columbia and one from the University of Chicago, have submitted a before and after analysis of the statistics from the first working group of major league players known to have used PED's: The Mitchell Report Group.


Now we know the MSM would have you believe that all the evidence is in on this one - in much the same way Al Gore would like to bully the "evidence" of man-made global warming past everyone - but the professors come to some interesting conclusions:

1) An examination of the data on the players featured in the Mitchell report suggest that in most cases the drugs had either little or a negative effect. emphasis added by TheSlav

2) For pitchers there was no net gain in performance and , indeed, some loss. Of the 23 pitchers evaluated, seven showed improvement, 16 showed deterioration in performance. (performance being measured by ERA)

3) Hitters didn't fare much better. Of the 48 batters evaluated, average change in HR's per year showed a decrease of 0.246. Average Batting Average decreased by .004 and average Slugging Percent increased by 0.019 - a marginal increase. Most showed no consistent improvement - several showed variable performance. The authors speculated that some may have extended the years they played at a high level, but they noted that was a difficult question to answer.

4) They noted that there is no example of a mediocre player breaking away from the middle of the pack and achieving stardom with the aid of drugs. emphasis added by TheSlav

5) They note Ruth and Bonds HR totals during the last six years of both men's careers were remarkably similar. Ruth hit 28% of his homers during the last six years of his career and Bonds hit 26% of his. Remarkable similarity, given the disparity in the physical conditioning of Ruth vs. Bonds. Clearly Bonds is the better athlete and the more physically gifted of the two during the comparison period.

Sound as if the good doctors have concluded that PED's do not provide much more than a psychological or placebo effect on players actual performance. Maybe in the future instead of abbreviating Performance Enhancing Drugs by the acronym PED, we should use the term "peD".

They also have a coherent, non-hysterical message to America's youth when they confront the "peD dilemma. In my opinion, those on their moral, high-horse should get down for a moment and read this article. And change their minds and their approaches toward the "crisis" and hysteria they helped to create. Then they can work on getting help to expunge the sub-conscious racist tendencies that they harbor.

Talking to you Deford, Costas, Olbermann, Patrick, et al. Maybe you can't control how young black males act today in your work place due to political correctness, so you have chosen to cheer on the David Stern's and Roger Goodell's who are able to do in their domain what you would like to do in yours - control or eliminate any blacks who don't fit your model of what a successful black athlete should look like and sound like and act like.

And justify that it's not about race because you like Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan. That demonstrates that is is about race.

Deford says in his column this week that the naming of Roger Clemens shows that it wasn't about race. You doddering old fool. The Clemens story illustrates, in terms more vivid than my hopes could possibly imagine, that the treatment and the disposition of so-called justice in the two cases is clearly and demonstrably separate and unequal and divided along racial lines. How f**king stupid are you old man?

Costas now says that BOTH Clemens and Bonds would have his Hall of Fame vote, after the first ballot shunning they both deserve. I have never heard him come remotely close to saying that Bonds should get anywhere near the Hall of Fame without buying admission. But now that one of his angels has fallen, there has to be another criteria for Hall of Fame entry. As I've said many times before, I admire the intellectual contortions these flaming hypocrites have had to go through to make their arguments and stories fit the facts as they evolve.

And my conclusions and advice to all of them has steadfastly remained the same to this day: 1) GO COLLECTIVELY F**K YOURSELVES 2) DROP DEAD 3) GO TO HELL

Now I'll add this, once the governments case against one Barry Lamar Bonds goes down in flames you will all have to figure out a way to give the man the biggest public apology in history or start giving Roger Clemens the same vile, hateful treatment. FOR FOUR YEARS CONTINUOUSLY. He's only been getting it for about a week and already he's crying like a baby about how unfair the medias treatment of him has been. And he can't be complaining about how the public has treated him because he hasn't shown his face publicly yet, unless you count YouTube.

SHOULD BE AN INTERESTING 2008. But again, I think Mitchell made a generous extension of the olive branch to move forward and put the issue aside. Apparently only the panty-waists in the media, who still want to publicly lynch and hang Barry Bonds from the highest tree are holding out.

Don't believe me? MLB is reporting that season ticket sales and overall ticket sales are running ahead of last years record highs even after a more than generous increase in overall ticket prices. So apparently the fans forgive and forget. The parents of our nations youth (represented by the fans) have figured out what to tell their kids about the issue of PED's and are willing to move on.

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