
Sunday, January 20, 2008



Opportunities like this do not come around very often, it's only the fourth time in my life that the G-Men have made it this far, so hopefully the Giants are able to capitalize and derail the Favre-train. Strahan will have to be a factor and he will certainly not get any gimme-sacks from Favre today. A Super Bowl trip for them would be totally unexpected given the way the Giants limped into the beginning of this season. Continue to play disciplined and stay away from the dumb penalties that hurt them early, pound Brandon Jacobs if the field is sloppy, make sure the good Eli shows up. Reportedly, Eli's fiancee has to sit in the cold, field level seats (rather than a suite)--due to Eli's superstitions--and brother Peyton has to stay home entirely since he's such a jinx and Archie still loves him more. Athletes are weird.
5:05 PM CST

It looks like it is going to have to be a rematch between the New England Patriots and the Giants. Patriots finish dismantling a beaten-up Chargers bunch. Nobody wanted to see Giants-Chargers anyway, and I'm sure now the preference is Brady vs. Favre, but that's OK.

It's 8 degrees here, usually colder in Wisconsin by a few. Surprisingly, I was out earlier and I have to say it was not that bad. Unfortunately, once the sun goes down, I think the saying "not fit for man nor beast" will apply.

I'm trying to decide what to eat, I need to find out what foods are least likely to be thrown-up. Maybe, I'll Google it.
5:10 CST

This is the best I could come up with when I Googled "foods least likely to vomit".

from a place called the

Once you feel nauseated, how do you prevent vomiting?
Vomiting can be prevented by consuming small amounts of clear, sweetened liquids such as soda pop, fruit juices (except orange and grapefruit because these are too acidic) and popsicles. Drinks containing sugar calm the stomach better than other liquids. Rest either in a sitting position or in a propped lying position. Activity may worsen nausea and may lead to vomiting.

F**k that, that advice is for pussies, this is MAN TIME!!! What the hell was I thinking? I HATE THE PATRIOTS. They just got their trophy.

I HATE TOM BRADY. He's probably going to copulate another dozen super-models, which theoretically, leaves that much less for the rest of us. Shit, did I say that out loud?? Hold on, I have to go hide all the sharp knives before my wife gets home.

Did Junior Seau just say the Patriots "have a chance to be a part of EVER"?? What the hell is EVER?? Is he retarded, or are parts of his brain frozen over? Is that the garage door opening? Oh F**k, the knives!!!
5:30 PM CST

I can't take Howie Long seriously he looks like Commissar Howie Long. I can't take Jimmy Johnson seriously in that headband either. Terry Bradshaw somehow looks more intelligent than usual in his headgear.

It's going to be chicken tender and chips with some hot sauce and the stomach be damned.

Giants looking good so far. Nice choice of uniforms by both teams, on this field it looks like a Giants-Packers tilt from the 60's.

Eli drives them down to a early field goal. Brandon Jacobs still doesn't look 100%, no burst. Plax and Al Harris seem like they're going to locked up all day. GIANTS 3-0

Giants D- holds again, three and out. RW McQuarters is awfully close on that fair catch, if the ball kicks up and hits him, that's going to be a huge turnover. Sometimes that's the difference between making and escaping dumb mistakes.

Toomer drops one that while fluttering a bit, hits him right between the 8 and the 1. Gotta be a catch. WR screen to Jacobs, while original, is ineffective. Three and out.
Feagles punts a turd. Good field position for the Pack instead of pinning them back.

Giants almost pop a fumble loose on a WR screen. Good to see Aaron Ross in there, the kid is a junior-stud. He can jump a route and go get the ball, which we seem to have trouble doing.

Oh, luckily for me, my wife read the blog and seems to be of the opinion that super-models are too dumb to want me anyway, so Brady could have 100 of 'em and it wouldn't affect my chances one iota. I was counting on them not quite being that dumb, but whatever. I think her logic is fundamentally flawed, but I'm not going to argue the point at this time. Perhaps at a later date more conducive to intelligently disccussing the merits of such a scenario like adults.

Burress makes a play while Al Harris is taking liberties with Plax's face mask. Giants are threatening.

Pam Oliver reports Giants bench is not heated. Shouldn't the Packers have to turn off their heated bench as well, like when the communications gear on one side goes off? I guess Packers vs. the Patriots would be appropriate, both are little, chicken-shit, classless cheaters.

Giants settle for a field goal.

Koren Robinson tries to gift-wrap one on the kick-off. Packers recover.

Favre to Driver 80-something (90 officially) yards right through the Swiss-cheese secondary, nobody lays a glove on him. Too easy.

Ahmad Bradshaw in for Jacobs as a change of pace. Burress with a great catch on third down and gets drilled by the safety. First down Giants.

Incomplete to Boss, looks clearly like pass interference, but that's the home-field advantage. Incomplete to Toomer. Refs letting Harris mug Burress way past five yards. Giants to punt.

Nine minutes left in the half. Packers ball.

Nice completion to Lee over the middle. Nobody near him again. Greg Jennings next on the hit parade. Giants playing flag-football tackle so far, that's not going to work.

Giants have to keep them out of the end-zone on this drive.

Tuck with a knock down at the line of scrimmage, near INT. Third Down almost big play to Martin, that would have been a back-breaker. Packers punt.

McQuarters grabs the ball near the five and gets bounced out of bounds. Another risky move. I wish the Packer would have really drilled him and knocked some sense into his head.

Brandon Jacobs runs over the Packs MLB and carries him about eight yards extra. Jacobs plays pinball with the DB's but holding brings the Giants back and nullifies a first down. DUMB.

Jacobs again, not much. Third and long around the nine yard line. Delay of Game Giants, five more yards back. No, illegal shift, which Pack declines for 4th down.

Giants punting. Too much time left on the clock, that first down nullified is large right now. The highlight of the 1961 championship is on and it looks like the same unis and the same field conditions.

Grant for little, less than 4 minutes left GB on Giants 48 yard line. 2nd and 10.
Favre throws behind Driver incomplete. To Driver incomplete, Johnson with another dumb penalty to convert a Packer first-down. DUMB #2 for the G-men. Remember, one of the keys was to stay away from dumb penalties.

Driver wide open over the middle again for about twenty yards. The Giants philosophy in the secondary seems to be just hope they drop it. The Swiss-cheese look, while appropriate to taunt true-Wisconsin-ites will not win this game. Packers in field goal range.

I love that SYNC commercial where the chick goes "door open" and splatters coffee all over herself when the door petulantly ignores her commands. The look on her face is priceless. She strides right into that bitch HARD. It's like watching someone slip on a banana peel, which I've never seen in person, but this is how I imagine it would feel--F**CKING HILARIOUS. I must be mean for liking that one though. I did pull a rib muscle laughing so hard, if its any consolation. Hey, it's a commercial anyway, its not like she's a real person, she's a cartoon character. No wonder I don't get any super-models. Well that and I don't have any Super Bowl rings. Super Models are super-ficial. HAHA.

Giants hold the fort on two consecutive plays. One Favre throws away, but Antonio Pierce going through two blockers to blow up a screen. Pack kicks a field goal to make it:

PACKER 10 GIANTS 6 with a minute and a half left.
Bradshaw looks like he could bust one later, nice burst. ELI to PLAX nice throw and catch, now we're in position. It looked like they were going to play for a first down and go into the locker room down four. Eli to Plax again, he fumbles, I hope since he makes no effort to get it, but the Packers do. Giants from the 36. Eli runs for two yards. Incomplete on third down. This one is fizzling pretty quick. Need a first down on the sideline with no TO's left.

From the 34, Eli sacked. Half is near over, five seconds left. Packs take a knee to close it.


Well, no turnovers, a couple of dumb penalties hurt. Eli looks good so far. And only one breakdown on defense from holding them to three points. Running game looks like it can open some things up in the second half if the defense can hold the Packers out of the end zone. Can't go down too far and become throw-throw-throw.

Let's see if Spagnola can make some defensive adjustments at the half to counter the Packs and get some pressure on Favre or his WR's.

Howie Long couldn't look dumber if he was wearing an inverted heated bucket over his head. And you need to shave too, you look like shit. Maybe he's trying to get released from this broadcast.

Who's dumb idea was it to put them outdoors anyway? I know it's cold there, I don't need to see the talents lips turning purple. Heads need to roll for this. Terry changed headgear to a sort of a ski-cap motif. Versatile Terry. Jimmy adds a scarf to the ensemble to complete the winter look. Florida boy must be hating life right now.

Giants Hixson return it to the 31. I thought he got busted in half on the first return. Jacobs goes nowhere on first down. Eli to Plax first down at the G42.

Jacobs for one. Chris Meyers has a raccoon hat on the sidelines just like Howie. Eli throws behind Steve Smith pretty wide open down the sidelines. Smith needed to stop and comeback and he might have gotten a cheap penalty called, but that's a rookie mistake. Third and nine, almost delay of game, timeout G-men.

That Burger King commercial that highlights their seemingly psychopathic customers who freak out when told they have discontinued the Whopper makes me somehow less likely to want to patronize the place, Whopper or no Whopper. Again heads need to roll. You already have the psychos apparently, but you might want to keep it a secret in order to attract the normal junk-food consumer. Make a mental note of that.
Harris mugs Plax again and gets a cheap INT, but the zebras catch him. Jacobs for three. Third and five to go. Eli pass knocked down, Eli knocked down, roughing the passer on Packer Safety coming on a blitz. That's a DUMB for GB.

Jacobs for a couple. Eli to Plax first down. Harris has no chance on that one and gets a face massage from Plax on the way down field. Jacobs for five. Giants at the six yard line. Jacobs first down to the one yard line. On no they marked him short, I though he had it. Third and inches. BIG PLAY COMING UP.

Jacobs has it and fumbles, Boss recovers for a FD. Looked like a ?? spot but just enough. That was CLOSE. Manning puts one up for grabs, GB ruled offsides but Eli didn't know that. Almost DUMB. They call GB offsides. GB offsides again. CHEATERS.

Jacobs pile drives in for the TD and then aborts the Lambeau Leap. Good move Brandon.

This is now officially my longest, probably most annoying post to date. But it's kind of kept me more relaxed than I might normally be. We have a long way to go though.

Big KO return sets the Pack up nicely on the 39 yard line. The slant to Driver for eight. Grant close to a first down. First Down. Osi almost gets to Favre incomplete.
Screen for not much. Third and eight Strahan tips one in the D-backfield they stop the Pack short of the first down but veteran Sam Madison commits a DUMB penalty for DUMB #3 on the Giants. Not smart at all.

First down at the G12. Wise open lob pass to Lee for a TD. No defense close to him.
At least make them earn it guys, the defense is at times non-existent.

Hixson with a nice return to the Giants 43 yard line to open the drive.

Eli to Plax for eight. Bradshaw for a first down. Nice start. Bradshaw for eleven to the GB 35, kid runs hard, he may be why Ryan Grant is on GB. Or they chose Grant over him, not sure which one it was.

Incomplete to Toomer. Pax at 10-140 yards so far. Monster Day. Toomer down the sidelines in bounds to the 12 yard line 23 yard play. CHALLENGED BY GB. Feet look in, upper body looks out, depends which the zebras see. Call was complete on the field.
BIG CALL. The catch stands, GB loses a TO but that's a good challenge.

Eight yards to Toomer on an Eli roll out. From the four yard line, Bradshaw drive s it in for a TD. WOW.


It looks like the first defense to string together a couple of stops or pops a turnover could really take control of the game.

Eli's fiancee must be getting warmer thinking about how much Eli's wallet will swell with endorsements if he pulls this off.
GB touch back on the kickoff.

Giants have dominated possession 28 minutes to 15, so far.

Koren Robinson wide open 16 yards. Grant for a 13 yard run. Defense sucks so far today. Grant for not much. At least, they're plugging the run a little. Deep pass attempt to Driver to end the quarter.

OK, Money Time. Fourth Quarter.

Temp -3 degrees Wind Chill -24 degrees

Favre to Driver to the 33, 20 yards, nobody close to him. Too easy. Interception by McQuarters runs right into a tackler (Grant) and coughs it up to a lineman recovering. This guy (McQuarters)is just killing me today. Packers at the 21.

Two yard pass to the 19.. Grant runs for seven to the twelve. We have our first Mrs. Favre sighting. Screen/lateral pass to Grant loses 7 yards to the 20 yard line. Thirty seven yard field goal ties it up 20-20.

Hixson brings it out to the 40 yard line to start the drive.

Eli to Toomer for five. Bradshaw carries for three. OL Siebert is down and hurt for the Giants. Eli to Plax on the sideline for 14. Big First Down.

Bradshaw turns the corner for six yards.Nick Collins down for the Packers. Bradshaw loses yardage, third down and five. Giants have to take the second TO. That hurts.
Need to get the first down even more now. Toomer can't catch another one. Offensive Pass Interference on Toomer and another lineman down. Replay shows he dropped it because he was pushing off. Good Call. 3rd and 15. Scree to Bradshaw, breaks a tackle and gains ten, 4th and 5. Giants going for it. Good call here. Pass Interference on Packers close to the FD marker. Automatic First Down. Woodson got him early. Good Call.

Eli has Plax open in the end zone and under throws him. Harris is limping. Go back to him. Bradshaw runs for two to the 25. 3rd and 7. Under 7 Minutes to play. GB uses its second time out. No time for mistakes here. Giants are in long FG range for Tynes under todays conditions.

Looks like Archie Manning in a suite, you would think he could sit with his potential daughter in law, what a chump. Incomplete pass to Smith on third down. Tynes wide left on the FG attempt.

GB ball on the Giants thirty-three. 6:49 left.
Favre bounces one to Jennings. He's looking deep more often, pass rush has to get there and up until now it has not.

Almost a heck of a catch by Jennings, Osi gets to Favre. 3rd Down-10. Toss to Vorency for seven short of a first down. Big three and out.

McQuarters to the G-37. 5:53 left.

Jacobs for five yards. Jacobs close to the marker, looks a little short. 5:05 left in the quarter and a measurement. An inch short. 3rd down. Manning on a keeper, looks like he has it. And he does.

4:30 left in the game. Incomplete on a swing pass to Jacobs. Jacobs for one on the corner, under four minutes. Third Down. BIG PLAY. KGB looks like he jumped way offsides, gets a sack, no call. THAT'S RIDICULOUS. Giants have to punt. I REALLY HOPE THIS GAME DOES NOT GET DECIDED BY THAT BLATANTLY BAD OF A NO-CALL. HORRIBLE.

GB from it's own 17. Favre incomplete. False start GB, second and fifteen. Incomplete pass low. Big Third Down. Lee over the middle for five, Giants TO with 2:30 left and Gb punting.

Here we go guys, one drive. One Drive Eli.
McQuarters continues to play for the other side, by fumbling the punt. GET HIM OUT OF THERE.

Giants luckily get the fumble back at the GB 48. Bradshaw breaks one but holding on the Giants brings it back. Not much of a hold it appears. Second angle shows it on Snee. 1st and 20 from the Giants 43. Tyree gains three, 2nd and 17 with the two minute warning. DUMB Penalty 2nd and 20 if you get caught, 2nd and eight or nine if you don't hold. There's no benefit, unless you think you've camouflaged it well enough for the zebras not to see. You have to be real sure at this point in the game.
DUMB #4.

Steve Smith catches it near the first down marker, doesn't roll over for the extra yard he needs. Reviewing the catch or the spot. It is a first down. Now reviewing the catch with 1:26 left.

Now they move him back a half yard. 3rd and one. Bradshaw gets about eight for a big first down. Manning to Smith for eleven yards. Bradshaw for three to the eighteen. Manning grounds it with 0:02 left as the Giants have no TO's left.

36 Yard FG by Tynes to end it. I hate FG's to end it. Bad snap and Tynes hooks it wide left again. OT.

I hate OT too.

GB wins the toss and will receive.

Koren Robinson returns it to the 26 to start. Grant rushes for two yards. Tuck down for the Giants. INT by Corey Webster.

Please, PLEASE go for the TD, even on fourth down. Bradshaw for four yards. Bradshaw for zero. Playing for the F**king FG again, great. Incomplete intended for Smith.

Another FG attempt. It looks like he's going to fade it wide right, but it comes back and YES, the Giants are going to the Super Bowl. Again.


The New York Giants vs. the New England Patriots. See you in two weeks.

P.S.- The Manning deal is now and forever "officially" WORTH IT. - TheSlav 1/20/2008

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