
Thursday, January 17, 2008


Nobody seems to want to use the R- word, even though we may indeed be in an actual recession.

And certainly, nobody seems to want to use the C- word to describe the actions of the Dow recently, even though it may be doing exactly what it appears to be doing.

How about we dust off that euphemism "controlled descent into terrain" the NTSB used to gently describe a plane crash? How does that work for you? Yeah, that's the ticket folks. The stock market is executing a brilliantly orchestrated, controlled descent into terrain. Relax, nothing to see here.

Where's Howard Cosell when we need him to "tell it like it is". The truth? We can't handle the truth.

It's a good thing Congress had Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke testify today.
It appears as if the words and actions are both, too little, too late.

But at least they saved the nations youth and made the game of baseball safe from cheaters.

And Nero fiddled while Rome burned, right?

What a sad state of affairs.

A brilliant example of our nations leadership in action.

What will we tell the children?

Especially when they ask "Where were the leaders, the experts and what were they doing when the housing market went to hell in a hand basket, the stock market crashed and the dollar was debased, devalued and treated like so much fancy toilet paper around the world?"

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