
Saturday, February 02, 2008


Perhaps not since the Christians faced off against the Lions in ancient Rome has there been a more one-sided match up of foes as we will see in Super Bowl XLII.

Interesting that since the days of the Roman Empire, there has been a need for societies rulers to keep the masses in tow and their attention diverted from the important issues of the day (sound familiar?). The premise was that you could give people some relatively cheap entertainment so that they would--at least temporarily-- forget their grievances against the collective shortcomings of their rulers or political system.

It just seems as if it will all come together so perfectly tomorrow. The Super Bowl is the ultimate TV event. The ultimate "opiate of the masses" if you will. And with all the other side issues circling over the event, yet to be resolved, it makes for both perfect theater as well as a perfect teaching and learning moment for the country.

Arlen Specter may or may not be able to call Commissar Goodell on the carpet to explain the inexplicable. Why he punished the Patriots for wrongdoing and then destroyed the evidence of the wrongdoing, which smacks of a cover-up (remember, it's not the crime, it's the cover-up) I just can not explain. But he has multiple billions of reasons (measured in dollars of revenue) to protect the NFL's image at all costs.

At first blush, his explanation that any advantage Bellicheat and the Pats may have gained from the illegal videotaping was "limited." I'm sure the Nixon Administration tried to sail similar logic past the public when the initial details of the Watergate break-in and cover-up were uncovered, and look what it did for Nixon.

After the Super Bowl, it seems that Congress will attempt in earnest to determine what most already suspect. Bill Belichick is a cheater, albeit an equal opportunity cheater. He cheats on the field as well as off the field. And Congress will do this if only to show they can come together on certain select issues like this and steroids in baseball, but continue to fail to come together on issues that make real differences in real peoples lives. Amazing.

As far as defining Coach Bellicheats character--I would just like to know from Pats apologists--how do you respond to the following questions?:

How do you explain the reports that Coach Bellicheat was the "other man" who helped break up his secretary's marriage by chasing her around the desk too much?


How do you explain Spygate? Just a one-time thing, like Andy Pettitte's dalliances with HGH? It was just to prepare for the Jets that week? The 4-12 Jets you had to skirt the rules to try and beat?

What's that? The media told you not to worry, Spygate was nothing. Just a one-time thing, right? It doesn't have any effect or in any way tarnish any of their Super Bowl victories, correct? HAHAHAHAHA.

All the talking heads on ESPN who continue to spit that logic, as well as the one about the NFL having the toughest PED policy and NO PROBLEM WITH PED USE ought to be writing fairy tales. Just don't read them to kids.

Tell me, how do we explain away the recent reports that indicate the Patriots taped the Rams walk-through prior to their very first Super Bowl XXXVI victory six years ago? You remember, back when they were supposedly David and the Rams were Goliath.


The one where "team unity" banded together to overcome the mighty Rams offense. Well, I guess if you knew in advance what they planned to focus on offensively either through having their signs or effectively, their game plan, it's easy to acquire the label of defensive genius that it now appears Bellicheat does not deserve.

It all made for a cute story for the media to serve up and salivate over, but it now is beginning to appear more and more like it was a story built upon a lie and a cheat. And for the story to be promoted as it was by the media, who are supposed to be the guardians of fairness and integrity in sports. What say you now, fellas?

The media missed the boat on the steroid story that grew right under their own eyes.
Now it appears as if they missed out on the Spygate story, even though it also appeared to grow and flourish right under their own eyes. That's a big oh-for-two if you're scoring at home, or even if you're all by yourself. HAHAHAHAHA.

And yet the media wants to continue to be the arbiters of righteousness and fairness and integrity in sports? Give me a break.

I know, I'll make it easy on you to cut through all this bullshit once and for all. So you can get things right for a change, right from the get go. Just imagine how quickly you would jump on this story, how rapidly you would turn it into the biggest issue the country faces, if it were noted Christian and man of character Tony Dungy who was suspected of cheating and wrongdoing.

You would have thrown him to the lions quicker than the Romans. You would have strung him up and brought up on charges in the court of public opinion.

In my opinion, Dungy and his legacy are harmed the most by this. Imagine how many rings he might have now if everyone was playing on a "level playing field".

Maybe Peyton Manning would be the one hanging and banging with multiple Super Models and multiple Super Bowl rings and God knows what else instead of little Tommy Brady.

Nah, Peyton has too much class and character. And so does Dungy. That's why the media will never fight or dig for guys like that. They wouldn't know class and character if it punched most of them right in the face.

And how about Dick Vermeil? The Patriots cheated and still barely beat 'em? Yeah Bellicheat's a real genius all-right. Another Super Bowl victory makes him an all-time great coach, right?

Tomorrow, the Giants will be served up as a foe against the Patriots and like the Christians of yore, will seemingly only have their faith in each other to give them any chance at victory. That and the collective spirit of those who would rather not see cheaters continue to prosper.

I hate to make it as serious as a clash of good vs. evil, but in this case, I think I will. The Giants simply must win, and I believe they will win. God help us if they don't. What will we tell the children when such blatant cheaters are allowed to prosper? I guess I could do the Roger Goodell thing and try to cover it all up. Nah, not a good choice there.

The Giants faith in each other will propel them to victory.

"Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life." Revelations 2:10
From the book: To the Lions, A Tale of the Early Christians, by Professor Alfred J. Church


The Patriots want to join the Dolphins in as a part of football immortality as the only undefeated teams in history, but as much as they and their lackeys in the media and the NFL executive suite want to cover it up, they know in their heart and soul that they do not deserve it. They are not worthy of the honor and they have not earned it. They will fail under the collective weight of their organizational guilt.


It will be the Giants who are granted their slice of football immortality, since they have endured much this season and continued to keep the faith when others of lesser strength gave up on them. They will have earned and deserved the praise that is given to them. Call it karma, call it faith, call it what you will.


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