
Monday, May 12, 2008



This story really illustrates what is wrong with the MSM, talk radio mentality we have today in sports and politics as well. The part of the story that received the most attention, the most airplay was Coach Dungy's closing remarks as reported below:

Then someone asked if anything happened last season that he wished he could include in the book. What followed was vintage Dungy. He seized the opening. He brought up the videotaping scandal with the New England Patriots.

"We talk about how important it is to do things the right way and have integrity so that when you do win, people can never ask that question," he said. "That's the great thing that I'm happy about with our team.

"Yes, we won. But no one is really going to ask, 'Did they cheat? Did they do things the right way?' I think our record speaks for itself and if you're a true champion, that's the way you'd like it to be."

Now as I read it, he did not mention the Patriots directly, but I agree with his message entirely. I think it is a joke how virtually every mouthpiece and talking head has put the whitewash to the Matt Walsh tapes saying they didn't reveal anything new, they didn't have any impact on the Patriots Super Bowl, etc. etc.

Well, there was new information in that they were taping the offensive signals as well. That was new information. They taped a team before an AFC Championship Game. The argument that it had no impact begs the question posed by those who do not accept the "steroids don't help you hit HR's" argument, "Then why did they do it?"

I suppose they did it because "everybody else was doing it". I'm not sure why everyone else was doing it if it didn't work though. I'm still having trouble reconciling those two arguments. Besides, like my Mom used to say, "If everyone else was jumping off a bridge, would you jump off too?" You gotta love a Mom's wisdom.


The Patriots and Belli-cheat must have thought it would help or he would not have committed valuable team time and resources in doing it. THEY CLEARLY THOUGHT IT WOULD HELP. They weren't taping these signals for posterity. Or if the opposing coaches all forgot their own signals they could just requisition the Patriot for their tapes and they could re-learn them.

I think it's time that we institute the same types of disclosure rules that we impose on analysts and CEO's when they go before the media and talk about a particular stock or company. They have to completely disclose any relationships they have with the company that could cloud or impact the information being dispensed.

So before these talking heads pontificate and editorialize about these issues they would have to disclose that "my station is a corporate partner of the NFL". Instead, we get the nonsense that these ass-clowns are legitimate reporters who would never let buckets of money cloud their stated opinions. Or that of their bosses. Give me a break. I believe the relevant phrase that describes the situation is "You don't shit where you eat". You might as well refer to ESPN News as the ESPN Spin and Promote our Corporate Partners Department. Those boys can spin a story like a top.

But don't listen to just my opinion. Here is the opinion of former Sports Illustrated journalist and author Rick Reilly before he jumped over to the dark-side that is ESPN. I'm guessing you won't hear nearly the same opinions from Mr. Reilly in the future. A $12 million dollar salary (hush-money) buys a shitload of silence:


After listening to that, every time I see Mr. Reilly on ESPN, I'm sure I'll be reminded of that joke that ends "....we know what you are, we're just deciding on the price."
(for those who are old-joke handicapped, it rhymes with bore, only with the H-sound instead of the B-)

And to the idiot ex-players on ESPN who say it makes no difference that the Pats taped (cheated): Why then when you played did you have signals and audibles in the first place? Why didn't you just go up to the line and, instead of barking out signals or pointing like spasmodic idiots, just yell at the defense "We're going to run a toss sweep to left and you can't stop us, you pansies." And then the middle linebacker could yell back, "That's fine bucket-head, we have a run blitz called, we're going to stuff your toss sweep right back up your butt."

It doesn't work that way because there is a large advantage in disguising coverages and blitzes, etc.

Oh and I love how the fall back argument is "Well who cares? Everybody was doing it."

I just love how these hypocritical idiots pick and choose how and where to apply their ethics. Great lesson for the kids. Luckily for us adults, it seems as if the kids from Jefferson High School see through the mixed messages they're getting. They should be applauded for that.

What gets lost in the story is the impact that Coach Dungy still has among Tampa's youth and he's not even the current football coach of the local team. The impact his book has had on that group makes Dungy a Hall of Fame coach and a HOF human being. That's why he'll always be a better coach, unless you only look at wins/losses, Super Bowl rings. And even that metric can be deceiving.

I'm glad to see the book get it's just due as well. I've mentioned the book before here and it's listed as one of my favorite books, I would give it high marks. It is one of the best books I've ever read by a coach. Like a John Wooden, Dungy doesn't just teach the sport, he doesn't just build the skills of the players he coaches, he builds the inner strength and character of the individual.

That's what great coaches do. It's clear that he and Coach Bellicheat move in different circles and operate from opposite ends of the spectrum ethically and morally.

Of one of the two, you can say great coach, great person, great character, WINNER. Only one. The other one will be defined using the exact opposite word.

Dungy's 'Quiet Strength' Fires Up Jefferson Students
Published: May 9, 2008

TAMPA - Both sides of the Jefferson High gymnasium were packed with stomping, cheering, chattering students early Thursday afternoon. They weren't there for a pep rally or a big game, although you couldn't have guessed that by how excited everyone seemed.

They were there because of a book.

Tony Dungy's book.

"This is a little hard to believe here," he said with a look that suggested he wasn't quite ready for how big this had become. "When we wrote the book, you hoped it might get into the hands of young people and maybe have an impact for good, but to hear how the whole school here read it and how it turned out - it's overwhelming."

(click on the link above to read the entire article)

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