
Sunday, May 11, 2008


I guess there has not been a more over blown story than the White Sox Inflatable Doll fiasco. The Chicago Sun Times feminists at large Carol Slezak and Jay Mariotti are taking turns skewering the organization for the players clubhouse conduct.

The Sox hitters have been in a bit of a slump lately and were clearly using the prank as a device to get some laughs and loosen up a tight bunch. That Mariotti and Slezak would get their panties in a bunch over the issue shows how far political correctness and hypocrisy have drifted.

To my knowledge, no actual women were disrespected during the prank(s). Thank goodness the fellas didn't resort to the more traditional form of "slump-busting", where actual women are involved.

Ladies, it's a doll for crying out loud. If anything they are disrespecting themselves a bit. I don't remember "Bud" Bundy beaming with pride when his sister Kelly teased him about his inflatable girlfriend in the "Married with Children" sitcom. And Kelly sure didn't appear offended that her brother had such a "friend". It's called perspective people.

Also, it's really unusual for any Chicago Sun Times employee to call the White Sox organization to task for degradation and humiliation of women when in the Sun Times sports section, just a few page turn from Mrs. Slezak's column in the Sunday edition are the following advertisements:

XXX-Rated - Adult Video Clearance - Over 5,000 movies must be sold

2 for 1 Come Take Advantage

Buck Wild Girls - 24/7 - We can do what you want - $60 for first-timers

Full Pleasure Massage - 24/7 -

$225 All Inclusive - VIP Service - Adult Massage Bi-Reverse - 24/7 Free Limo Service

WOW!!! I almost had to take a cold shower after breezing through the sports section. Wonder what's in the rest of this rag?

So maybe the girl power duo should clean up their own house before they go condemning the behavior of others. I'm not sure you really have the moral authority to be telling other people what they should be doing and thinking.

I'm sure they will make some weak-assed First Amendment argument or say there is some sort of legal reason that they simply have to accept these advertisements, but sorry sisters Slezak and Mariotti, we're not buying your arguments here. This smacks of more hysterical attempts to get readership from what most people view as a company and industry that's slowly dying and currently on life-support. And these are the same idiots that look down their noses at the blogoisphere and the information and integrity contained therein.

What a crazy, mixed up world we live in.

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