
Wednesday, June 18, 2008


This is former Sports Illustrated columnist Rick Reilly's latest submission to ESPN, his new employer. The WWLIS committed millions to lure this guy over, read the excerpt below and see if you can't guess where I believe they should have committed a few extra dollars.

You've heard of Kill the Ump, Lynch the Ump, and Strangle the Ump, right? Well, get ready for the latest thing—Bean the Ump.

It happened on May 31 in the Georgia high school Class AAA championship game. Stephens County was losing to Cartersville 9-1 early, partly because nine straight SCHS batters had struck out. The last ring-up so hacked off superstar shortstop Ethan Martin—who had just been drafted 15th overall by the Dodgers—that he threw his helmet in protest. But that figured. Martin and his brother, Cody, who was pitching, reportedly had been complaining about balls and strikes the entire game.

So now it's the bottom of the fourth, with Ethan playing short and Cody on the mound. The catcher is Matt Hill. There are no outs. The count is 0-1. Cody winds up and flings a very high, very hard fastball. Hill comes out of his squat, puts his glove up to catch it, then does a very funny thing.

He doesn't.

Did you get it?

Well, maybe it's because your reading a blog, written by someone who is probably typing away from his Mom's basement. No thanks, I have my own basement.

In my opinion, ESPN and/or the esteemed Mr. Reilly ought to seriously consider allocating more of the company funds to proof readers and maybe a fact checker or two.

It happened on May 31 in the Georgia high school Class AAA championship game.

Check, that's true, it's so true. OMG this guy is so good. He's all over this.

The last ring-up so hacked off superstar shortstop Ethan Martin—who had just been drafted 15th overall by the Dodgers—

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, stop the presses, Stop the F$%^king presses!!!!

Hey dingbat, most baseball fans know the MLB Draft is in June. ESPN covered it and everything. So how could this hot-shot SS have been already drafted in a game held on May 31st, when the draft was not held until early June??

Explain that one to me hot-shot. Explain it to me like I'm a six-year old. Did this kid have one of those flux, capacitor, DeLorean cars from Back to the Future or something?

What is wrong with you people at ESPN!!! This is amateurish work at best. Why I wouldn't wipe my blog with this crap. This is shoddy journalism that I wouldn't expect from a blogger.
I'm firing off a letter to the folks at ESPN and Mr. Reilly as we speak.

It reads as follows:

Interesting that you would choose a story that has
been all over the blogosphere (mine included) for your
first choice with ESPN.

Aren't you afraid of the backlash from Costas and his

Also, on a minor point, the SS had not been drafted
yet. The game occurred May 31st, I believe and the
draft was early June.

Not that the kid wasn't aware that he was likely to be
a high draftee and this may have been in factor in his
attitude about being "rung up".

I can imagine he gave him a ration of his "don't you
know me, I'm a potential first-rounder" smack that may
charm the local teenage girls, but really doesn't sway
too many umpires that I know of.

Now, if someone would proof-read my work and check all relevant facts, this is a go people. I think our work is done here. AND DON'T FORGET TO RUN THE SPELL-CHECK BEFORE YOU LEAVE.

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