
Tuesday, July 22, 2008


At least he won't be hurting for night clubs to go to between games in The Big Easy.

I think I would have rather have had Jason Taylor than the draft picks, plus it keeps Taylor away from the Skins, but you can't always get what you want.

So the Shockey era ends in N.Y. almost as it began. I for one agree with Parcells, he couldn't carry Bavaro's jock as a TE and the magic carpet ride to Canton has hit a couple of speed bumps.

I don't care about the stats. I'm talking about as a player and as a teammate and team member, this guys has been too much drama queen, too little player.

Don't get me wrong, he did come in with a world of potential. He had WR skills in a TE's body early on. His catch the ball and look for someone to run over instead of run around was fun to watch. But he seemed to have lost those skills in recent years. There was a lot of bitching about not throwing him the ball enough, but I think the numbers will show there were an awful lot of unproductive passes (ie: incomplete) thrown his way in the last couple of years. These same passes seemed to end of complete much more often when Boss took over at TE and Smith and Tyree were worked into the passing game a bit more after Shockey's injury.

Maybe if Shokcey would have spent more time working out in the off-season with his QB , than the fellas at the "U", the Manning-Shockey combination might have been more lethal. Then maybe they would have seemed to be on the same page during the season when it counted.

I would not have blamed Manning one bit if he didn't drill one right in his ear hole, when he got up with his arms flapping like it was Manning who was on the wrong page after a pass went awry.

Good riddance, the team did seem to play better after Shockey hit the sidelines, so I'm guessing he won't be missed nearly as much as he believes he will.

I guess the enduring moments of the Shockey/Giant highlight reel would have to include the early victory celebration in 2005 vs. the Seahawks pictured above. Shockey posing for the cameras as a Giants game-winning field goal attempt went awry.

And there was a similar bout of chest-puffing and fan-taunting in the playoffs versus San Francisco, I believe in his rookie year, right before the 49ers erased a 30 point Giant lead to send them home. Shockey always new where the camera was and never failed to call attention to himself in the true tradition of a "U" player.

That kind of extra baggage never seemed to play as well on Broadway as it does in maybe Dallas or Miami.

It looks like Nate Schierholtz continues to grease the exits for Randy Winn. What more does this guy have to prove in the minors? Find out what he can do at the big-league level. The only way to do that is to move Randy Winn. Get whatever value he has out there, two or three mid level prospects? Whatever.

Pablo Sandoval continues to hit, they have to decide if he's truly a catcher or if he moves to 1B. He's a bit of a Bengie Molina clone, so my guess is he better be decnt behind the dish. The bat seems like it will be there though. Still a year or two away though.

AA Sandoval, Pablo C 4 0 2 0 .337 2B (8)
AAA Schierholtz, Nate RF 3 1 1 0 .312 3B (10), OF assist

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