
Tuesday, October 14, 2008




This is the type of cheating that the media should be exposing.

This is the type of cheating our congressional leaders should be holding hearings on.

This is the type of cheating that people should get worked about and yet apparently they do not. If you want to use terms like "sacrosanct" about the right to vote, I'm with you. People fought and died for the right to vote and many have fought and died to protect that right. Nobody died so Babe Ruth would have the right to set A FREAKING HOME-RUN RECORD.

In fact, people also marched and died fighting for the rights of those who were excluded from having the right to vote to eventually gain that right. As an aside, some of those same citizens were eventually allowed to participate in the game of baseball.

So let's get our priorities straight once and for all, shall we?

Instead, what do we get from our congressional leaders? They wanted to fund the organization responsible for this type of mischievous behavior with the proceeds from the original House bailout bill.

Instead, we get media coverage that seeks to exonerate this type of practice of watering down every one's right to vote because it benefits those who continue to believe that the 2000 election was "stolen" from them. Tit for tat, I guess. That makes sense to a lot of people on some level, but I guarantee you the jails are filled with people who employed similar logic.

I hate to say I told you so, but my goodness, sometimes it's just too easy.

While the idiots in Washington were holding the dog and pony show steroid hearings, our economy was sinking and our financial system was pushed to the brink of Armageddon.

And some of us were asking suspiciously, "Don't these guys have anything better to do with their time?". Apparently not. And so we have an economic meltdown because these clowns don't focus on the things they need to focus on and stick their nose in where it doesn't belong or what it will do little or no good.

It was good to see Rep. Henry Waxman and his committee hold hearings with the principals from AIG ad Lehman after the damage to our financial system had already reached historic, crisis proportions. A case of too little, too late.

Now we have the same people turning a blind eye to the right of every American to have the right to vote, to expect that their vote will be counted and that everyone will play by the same rules and the same principle of one-person, one-vote.

When behavior like this is encouraged or condoned, it puts the faith and confidence of all citizens in our system of representative democracy at severe risk.

We've already seen recently what disastrous consequences follow when there is a diminished confidence in our banking and financial system. It destroys it. And what would follow would be the kind of civil unrest and chaos none of us have ever had to live through. The same type of destructive crisis will follow if there is a similar erosion of confidence in our right to vote.

I don't think we really want to find out what happens when we continue to tear away the fabric of confidence in our voting system. This goes right to the heart of our representative governmental system. And the type of behavior we see here is an attempted knife stab at that heart.

These people are not just playing games here. They are, in effect, counterfeiting votes and lowering the value of the every citizens vote. THEY ARE CHEATING EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN.

We deal very harshly with those who attempt to debase the nations currency by counterfeiting because of the potential dire consequences to the nations economy, why do we not place the same value on individual voting rights?

"The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency." -
Vladimir Lenin

The currency of our representative system of government is the theory of one-man, one-vote. We can't allow criminals and lunatics like this to turn our system into a plural voting system. We shouldn't allow this cheating to continue any longer. I would feel cheated when I register ONCE, and vote ONCE--AND ONCE ONLY--and I see instances where these ACORN knuckleheads are registering people to vote multiple times (as many as 50 times??). What a coincidence that the activity seems to be focused in the key battleground states. Or in areas where they can manipulate or intimidate the polling place employees to allow multiple votes to be cast. I know this is Chicago where the phrase "vote early and often was born" but this is getting to be beyond ridiculous. At least now we don't have to ask what community organizers do anymore.

Our so-called leaders need to look into this quickly and thoroughly to ensure that law-abiding people aren't punished again by people who not only fail to play by the rules but end up profiting by their anti-societal behavior.

This is too important an issue to ignore. Our future as a nation depends on it. We may be on the cusp of turning over to future generations a nation that doesn't look or act anything like the nation that which we grew up in, never mind one that is based on the principles a majority of us still hold dear. God help us if we can't get some of these issues straightened out.

"The goal of socialism is communism." - Vladimir Lenin

The socialists currently plying their trade--from both parties--in the House, the Senate and within the administration need to be fired from their jobs ASAP. It's not enough for Congress to lay all of the blame at Bush's doorstep, when this has been without a doubt the worst Congressional class in the history of the country.

Failure by the electorate to accomplish this governmental housekeeping is to give our implied approval to the path they are taking this country. We will get the type of government we deserve.

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