
Thursday, October 16, 2008


It's not going to be easy.

The Sawks will show the heart of a champion at some point in this series. Maybe some point tonight.

I understand and have enormous respect for the theory that the Champ is the Champ until he's knocked out. But the KO is coming, likely tonight and if not Big Game James Shields or Matt Garza down the tracks.

Sorry, but from my POV the Sawks will run out of pitching before the Rays do.

I like the tinkering with the rotation by Maddon, who has pushed all the right buttons. The ??'ng of the strategy and the rearranging of the decks chairs is almost comical.

If it was strictly to avoid having Kaz throwing with Cousens behind the dish that would be insane. Cousens was the umpire Kaz openly criticized after his first start for "making up calls" or some other such nonsense. He was scheduled to be behind the dish for Game 6, so the theory is the change is to avoid Cousens. Does who believes this theory consider that Cousens' crew mates might back him? That they didn't hear what Kaz said about one of the brethren? That the rest of the crew can't read the papers? Ever hear of the blue wall?

More likely Shields being a better pitcher at the Trop while getting pounded at Fenway and having Kaz pitching fairly well at Fenway was the main consideration, maybe the only one. You think?

Anyway it seems a little crazy for the Sawks Nation to be ??'ng any move Joe Maddon makes while they are down to his team 3-1 and facing elimination. As they say, check the scoreboard.


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