
Friday, October 03, 2008


One-hundred and sixty-two games worth of hope and optimism all dashed in two games? Perhaps.

This is not a good time to be in Chicago.

The Cubs face a sweep in LA-LA land.

The Sox might be in trouble against the Rays unless Mark Buerhle can turn the clock back to 2005 and throw zeroes up for eight innings.

And the Bears.....Well it's still too early to turn to football at this point.

Baseball still owns October. At least that's my hope.

What's with the cowbells St. Pete? I would guess there isn't a freaking cow anywhere within the city limits, unless one hitch-hikes down from Pasco County.

And what's with your boom mikes TBS? Are they engineered by the same folks who designed the two tin cans and a string communication system back when we were kids? The former ThunderDome was rocking, but you couldn't tell that from the TV broadcast. TBS's soundproof booth made the place sound like a mausoleum. We want to feel the noise. If it makes your ears bleed--that's just an unanticipated bonus--we have volume control on the remote, we're OK.

Remove the cone of silence TBS. Don't you know that most fans do not care if they miss an occasional pearl of wisdom that your vaunted announcers drop down on us from on high? We want the atmosphere of the game and the moment washing over us, not the constant chatter of your announcer/analysts. We have eyes, we can see the game. I wish the games were on Fox at this point.

My wife is wearing her Evan Longoria jersey into work today--diving headlong into a White Sox shop with a reminder of the Ray who stuck the biggest dagger into the Sox effort yesterday. I do hope she returns home safely tonight. She's a brave soul and an unabashed Rays fan.

Yesterday, some of her cheering when Longoria went yard was misinterpreted as anti-Sox euphoria coming from a Cubs fan. When you're in Sox country, that kind of diplomatic mis-step can be met with a fate similar to an individual Crip being discovered by a gang of Bloods. Once, they found out she was in fact merely a Rays fan, it was all good. Kicking a Rays fan is kind of like kicking a puppy at this point. That may soon change however.

Good to hear Harold Reynolds is out of the penalty box.

GO RAYS!!!!!

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