
Tuesday, November 04, 2008


No matter who wins, the good news that should come out of this election is the sheer number of people going out and voting. Hopefully this will keep those elected on their toes.

Maybe in the high 60% range from reports I'm hearing.

This is where all Americans win. It was an embarrassment recently to see our voter numbers drop into the 50% range. More embarrassing when you would see folks in countries like Iraq exercising their right to vote in spite of threats of suicide bombers or some wack-job lobbing a grenade into a polling place. We have no such worries.

My other hope is that whoever wins, they win with dignity and good grace. We need more good winners.

And the side that loses, should lose gracefully. There's things that can be learned from losing. If you are willing to listen and not make excuses for your losses.

We've seen recently the results, or lack thereof that follow when the losing side digs in their heels and refuses to do what is good for the country.

One thing I will predict, from a sports perspective, should Obama win I think the odds of Chicago securing the 2016 Olympics goes up to nearly 100%. In fact the other entrants should just gracefully withdraw.

We will be witnessing history once again, no matter what the result.


Happy 8th Birthday, Beemer. ~;::::::;( )">

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