
Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Note to Pelosi: The Slavik Plan is not a bill, It's a plan. I don't introduce legislation anymore than Paulson does. And this mess is every bit as much your baby as it is Bush and Paulson's. You take the credit, you and yours better damn well be ready to take the blame. Bunch of stupid cowards. We need leaders and they send us cowards.

In the post election euphoria, we seem to have forgotten that the same knuckleheads responsible for the financial crisis are still at it. Incompetently spinning their wheels and swerving the economy all over the road.

Now Paulson crawls out and tells everyone "Never mind" regarding the use if the TARP funds. All that debate, and all that angst and they still don't know WTF they are doing with the money? A real well thought out plan fellas.

It's incredible. The value of peoples homes are vaporizing into thin air. BECAUSE OF THESE NUMB-SKULLS.

The value of their 401K's is vaporizing also, only faster. With no clear solutions in sight from our leaders. Most of who are responsible for putting us here in the first place. BECAUSE IF THESE NUMB-SKULLS.

I would dare to say that these clowns have done more emotional and psychological damage to more citizens then was done in the aftermath of 9/11. They have successfully blow this nations economy right back to the pre-WWII era. AMAZING.

I'm amazed there isn't more anger.

The Dow was at 10,750 when these morons voted on the "Bailout to Nowhere" in the beginning of October.

At that point the market had fallen approx. 23% from it's high. We were technically in a bear market at that point already and entering a recession according to anybodies measure.

By Oct 31st we were down to 9,337 after the "experts" went to work and put their heads together.

On election day we closed at 9,625.28. Once the market knew for sure the results we continued the slide, ending today at 8,283. We're down an additional 15% measure just from Election Day. So much for the Obama bounce. So down 13% after the Dems in Congress took Paulson's three page bill and "improved" it into a 100 page plus boondoggle.

The market is very forward looking so this is really not something that can be laid at the doorstep of Bush. The market is beginning to factor in an Obama presidency and puking it up in the same way it did after it had time to digest the "answer" our leaders brought to the table in response to the credit crisis.


I don't know what it's going to take, but if we had an informed electorate, I believe we might very well see some of the leaders meet with same fate of Il Duce illustrated below.

All these steps that are destroying our national wealth step by step is a massive CYA project on the part of these clowns. Would they really be doing this if it was the result of a few rogue Wall Street CEO's? Come on.

BUSH should have told Obama he would resign and take an early retirement back to the ranch in Texas. to help accelerate the healing process and bring an end to our long national nightmare. Wait a minute, that's from the Nixon-Ford pardon era. Once again, more damage here than was accomplished as a result of that crime. And don't kid yourself, this does rise to the level of criminal activity on many levels of government but we all know where the buck stops, right?

PAULSON should be forced to testify in front of Congress again and explain to Henry Waxman why HE earned his $500 million in salary to run Goldamn Sachs out of their long, storied primary business. They want to "claw-back" salary and bonuses from incompetent, greedy Wall Street CEO's they can start here with Paulson. Otherwise, don't go through your other charades designed to deflect blame. He should have to return the money or get the Duce treatment. Those are the only two punishments that fit his crime.

BERNANKE should be fired and forced to live out his remaining years in a nursing home with Alan Greenspan. A high security nursing home, where nobody can get in and nobody can get out. Like the one in One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest is what I have in mind. And return all government salaries earned and paid out.


Volcker should be the new Fed head. Nobody even remotely associated with the last ten or twenty years of Federal government bureaucracy should be allowed near the Treasury. Especially not NY Fed head Geitner, rumor has it his fingerprints are all over letting Lehman slide into the abyss, which has caused a lot of the trauma to the system that we are seeing today. I'll bet Ron Paul is available.

This site documents the history of failures, missteps, mistakes and lies that the principals involved made that got us to where we are today. Too many times these guys were asked whether the housing crisis was going to be limited or contained and too many times they were either wrong or lied about what was going on. This behavior continues today to the point where confidence in the system is at risk.

FedUpUSA is your online source for up-to-the-minute events surrounding the
Global Economic Crisis.

# Desperate Actions

A timeline of the actions which have led us to this point. The economic crisis seems to have come out of nowhere. Is there little wonder the American people were back on their heels when one week our President and the Federal Reserve were telling us the economy was 'sound' but two weeks later, we were in crisis and needed to pledge $700 Billion to fix what was wrong? FedUpUSA sheds some light on what the American people have been kept in the dark about.

# Bernanke's lies

A chronological documentation of the lies Ben Bernanke has told the American People and Congress.

# Paulson's Lies

A chronological documentation of the lies Hank Paulson has told the American People and Congress. Mr. Paulson's lies are particularly egregious in that he also has the biggest conflict of interest of anyone involved in this economic crisis. Do you really trust the man who was CEO of Goldman Sachs when they created CDS and CDOs? Mr. Paulson was not only at the helm when Goldman Sachs realized these little 'financial weapons of mass destruction' were failing, but was still there when they decided to take short positions betting AGAINST their own creations in order to protect themselves. Is this the man who should be trusted with the entire United States Treasury? Why do you think he really wants all this tax payer money? Read documented proof of what he has said, much of it under oath in front of Congress and draw your own conclusions.


After a summary execution, Mussolini’s corpse, along with those of his mistress and others, were dragged through the streets of Milan before being strung up at a gas station. Il Duce had previously expounded upon the idea:

“Every man dies the death which befits his character.”

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