
Thursday, February 19, 2009


Rick Santelli hit the nail on the head with this analysis of the Administration's foreclosure mitigation plans.

A Chicago Tea Party in July. I'M THERE. They should throw some of these idiot politicians in Lake Michigan instead of tea though.

Santelli is a straight shooter who doesn't sugarcoat it.

We the people, are subsidizing the banks, the auto companies and now the morons who got in over their heads to own a home and should have remained renters.

This isn't T-Ball people, we keep score and there are winners and losers in life.

This middle class that Obama/Biden seemed so concerned about during the campaign is getting no relief from any of these packages and will instead be asked to pay the bill.

People are getting fed up with bailing out all these losers. It's way past time that Washington gets their finger on the true pulse of the American public.

Where have you gone John Galt?

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