
Thursday, March 19, 2009


But first a tip of the cap to the under-loved March tournaments.


We're down to the Final Four and my bracket is toast.

Japan finished it's single handed demolition of my tournament favorite Cuba by shutting out the Cigars for the second time in the tournament.

Japan now faces Korea for the right to play second ranked U.S team. Venezuela gets the loser of the Asian World Series having dispatched the U.S. 10-6 in a game played only for seeding purposes.

The U.S. team is battling injuries and showing a Dream Team like tendency to try and turn the effort and intensity on and off like a light switch. This combination is a recipe for elimination. But what do I know, I had them bounced before this.

Japan seems to want to defend their title and culturally they will fall on their sword to win. And according to one senator, they might just do the same with an apology chaser if they lose. Seppuku (切腹, or "stomach-cutting") is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment that used to be performed by their warriors after battlefield losses. So that would be nice theater. Hey, come to the ballpark - see a potential suicide.

So, I guess Japan becomes my new favorite from here on out.


Baylor has already ruined my NIT bracket by defeating one of my final favorites Georgetown in the FIRST ROUND. Thanks Baylor, good luck the rest of the way you rat bastards. I should have known Georgetown would lay down and not play. Probably disappointed they didn't make the NCAA tournament, which is a vexing problem for the NIT poo-bahs. Maybe the Hoyas should have made sure their opponents didn't out-rebound them over the course of the season. Rebounding and defense are all about work ethic and the Hoyas surprisingly lacked that this season.

Now I have to root on my other final favorite Miami and their NBA-quality long distance sharp-shooter Jack McClinton. Hopefully the 'Canes don't lie down like dogs as well.

My final four was Miami - Notre Dame and Georgetown - St. Mary's so we'll see how it plays out. St. Mary's has to possibly get by Washington State in the first round (no easy deal) and then tournament darling Stephan Curry and Davidson in the second round, so we'll see. My bet was they would play hard. This is their NCAA tournament.

Notre Dame is a threat to puke up a bad game at any time. Miami has a tough road in their bracket with Florida and Penn State as potential later opponents.


Again, as last year, pretty close to the vest.

I have Louisville, UConn, Pitt and North Carolina in the Final Four.

I'm already thinking I made a mistake not advancing Memphis over UConn.

Most of my upsets are in the first round.

I have Wisconsin advancing further than most, winning not just over Florida State in the (5-12) match up but again over Xavier in the second round. I added Arizona over Utah in another (5-12) upset.

I took Butler over LSU in the first round for a mild (8-9) upset. I went Minnesota (10) over Texas (7) as well. And Michigan over Clemson in another (7-10) upset.

And I have Southen Cal over Boston College (7-10) and Maryland over California (7-10) upset.

Marquette and Illinois make me nervous in the first round and I have Syracuse winning three times. That may be a killer as well.

I do have UNC winning it all. So I agree with the President in this important national matter. Hopefully, Lawson's toe holds up.


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