
Thursday, July 30, 2009

NOT BIG PAPI !!!! NOOOOOOO..........

Is it becoming clearer by the day that we may have been better served had we commissioned Mr. Magoo to investigate the steroid issue in baseball than former Senator George Mitchell and his Sawks bias? I mean who else has to fall by the wayside? Can MLB get it's $12 million back for the "investigation"?

Does this development not further "TAINT" and expose as the corporate white-wash job that it was, the door stop that has become the Mitchell Report?

These were the two largest guys in the Red Sox lineup and the clubhouse at the time, both literally and figuratively, and this Barney Fife clone wraps up his investigation and concludes that "Nope, nothing to see here" regarding the Red Sox. The team he had an interest in?

And is it also not becoming clearer when the assorted talking heads wiggle and squirm to protect their favorite, nice-guy players that the biased media cannot be counted on to bring us the facts?

And how it is even a serious question to ask "Does this taint the Red Sox titles?" Of course it taints their titles, morons. Are you kidding me? Their two biggest sluggers are tainted and you have to even posit the question?

What are we waiting for here? Another media nice-guy, favorite to fall from the tree and then they can tell us, "Well it doesn't taint their legacy...It doesn't taint their championships.

I just heard one clown on ESPN say it only should affect how we look at 2003 re: Ortiz and I suppose--using that logic--only recently regarding Manny. Wow, the tone and narrative of the debate has really changed recently.

Just in the last two weeks we learned that Bob Costas had a private dinner with A-Rod and his newest gal pal. Does anyone really think he'll deliver any hard-hitting exposes or diatribes against A-Rod, much less any other pin-striped juicer?

And a Mets reporter--in breaking a story that vilified a team employee (to his credit)--doesn't understand that trying to curry favor from the team when you are supposed to be maintaining an air of impartiality "TAINTS ALL OF YOUR REPORTING". The bad and the good. Try considering the fans best interest when you are trying to move up the corporate ladder.

In this case, of course, the brethren quickly circled the wagons and defended their own. No hint of impropriety here people, move along. Because they know. And they want to reserve the right to themselves to do the exact same thing should the situation arise.

So from the top of the media food chain to the bottom, nothing but a cesspool. No surprise here.

Can't wait to hear the Gammons / ESPN spin on this one. Way past time for old Uncle Bud Selig to unveil that Jason Giambi style apology and hope that there are no more popular stars on that list. We're a Pujols or a Jeter or a Maddux away from this sport REALLY smacking into the side of a mountain. Even after all that it has been through.

I love the old switcheroo, dipsey doo these guys manage to pull off. When folks were leaking sealed court information in the BALCO case to newspapers, it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Now all of a sudden they want to make a federal case out of it. Can't have it both ways. HAHAHAHAHA.

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