
Thursday, July 09, 2009


This is good enough of an endorsement for me.

Dungy: A Fatherly Touch
In this week's SI, Tony Dungy, who announced his retirement as coach of the Colts last January, offers a first-hand account of meeting with Michael Vick (left) at the federal penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kans. "I firmly believe Michael deserves a second chance in life," writes Dungy. "I understand how appalling dog fighting is, and in no way do I condone it. But he was given a punishment that the court deemed appropriate, and now he exits prison having paid for that crime. It's time to let him bounce back after that loss."

Since L'Affaire Vick of course we have witnessed the Dontae Stallworth DUI fiasco. A HUMAN died as a result of his actions, a father and husband. And he gets 30 days in jail. We'll see how Goodell handles this one.

The league seems to be piling up guys who are responsible or actively involved in actions leading to multiple deaths (Leonard Little, Ray Lewis and now Dontae Stallworth).

The Plaxico Burress case is yet to be resolved, but that seems to be another case where the punishment clearly will not fit the crime.

In my opinion, Vick and Burress will pay a much higher price than their crimes demand, while the previously mentioned players responsible for the loss of human life remain virtually unscathed from a professional standpoint. Seems fair, right?

What a system--this system we call JUSTICE. We would be better served spending less time wringing our hands over the "Affair du jour" and more time returning a sense of balance and fairness to our Justice System.

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