
Monday, July 27, 2009


At the Bills training camp, Terrell Owens stated he feels that embattled Michael Vick needs to be reinstated immediately by the NFL and said any additional punishment added by NFL Commissar Goodell would be similar to "kicking a dead horse."

Interesting choice of words considering the hovering publicity hounds named PETA, but I think T.O. is right. And I certainly didn't want to pass on an opportunity to agree with T.O. about anything.

According to published reports, Owens added:

"I think he's done the time for what he's done. I don't think it's really fair for him to be suspended four more games,"

"It's almost like kicking a dead horse in the ground. ... The guy's already suffered so much. And to add a four-game suspension on a two-year prison sentence, that's ridiculous."

Then T.O. added to the wisdom dispensing with the following:

"Why shouldn't he? I mean, there's a lot more guys around the league that have done far more worst things than that and gotten second chances," Owens said.
Owens said he would welcome Vick as a teammate.

"Michael Vick is a guy that really hasn't any character issues besides what he got a prison sentence for, so why not?"

He was going along so well with the first comment--really he was. Then he tripped over his feet a bit on the second one. The "no character issues besides..." is going to leave an "Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?" quality to it as far as the PETA folks go. But hey, let them squirm a little.

Plus, I would love to see them try to picket Terrell Owens. Maybe they can protest in front of his driveway. That seems to provide good theater.

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