
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Congressman invokes The Cone of Silence in Geithner - AIG hearings

I almost fell out of my chair. I told you the similarities between what's going on in baseball and the financial / economic mess had some eerie parallels. You can't make this stuff up.

Rep. Issa's comments regarding Geithner

"He has asserted complete ignorance of the Fed's efforts to cover up the bailout details," said Committee Ranking Member Darrell Issa, R-Calif. "Many Americans, including members of this Committee, have a hard time believing that Secretary Geithner entered an absolute cone of silence on the day that his nomination was announced."

Actually, I think I'm inclined to believe Geithner on this one. That would at least explain how things got so messed up. The Cone of Silence never worked on "Get Smart" either.

I just hope these guys are not reading my blog. That would not go down very well. They might learn something, though. Uh oh, I might have said some bad things about them in the past. Excuse me, I better get down to some serious re-writing of history.

This might not be a good time to bring it up, but....

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