
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Devotion to Sports

The definition of devotion is as follows:

feelings of ardent love; "their devotion to each other was beautiful"
commitment to some purpose; "the devotion of his time and wealth to science"
idolatry: religious zeal; the willingness to serve God
(usually plural) religious observance or prayers (usually spoken silently); "he returned to his devotions"

We see that the basic elements that define devotion are feelings of deep love and commitment rising to a spiritual level.

When we do things out of devotion, we do so from the heart.

Sounds like how a fan feels about his team, and an athlete or coach about his sport.

It works best
when our feelings for our team do not rise to fanaticism.
when our devotion to our sport does not cause us to do foolish or harmful things
when our admiration of our favorite athlete does not rise to idolatry

When we have the fruit of the spirit we are able to find the grace and wisdom to guide us in our dealings with people and situations. We are able to do this with caring for other people and their positions and situations relative to ours.

Those who are invested in and devoted to us motivate and exhort us to continue to pursue excellence in our lives. They bring out the better person in us. The epitome of good teamwork and good team players.

This hold true in any relationship or team effort. We were meant to be relational beings, to trust or or rely on our own abilities alone is never enough. When we use our energies and passion to serve others with devotion we are the ultimate personification of the "team player" playing our role on the ultimate team.

DEVOTION - In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. - Psalm 5:3

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