
Saturday, January 23, 2010

The FCA Project

During the lull in baseball that is the winter months, I generally struggle to find baseball or sports stories of great interest. Sometime late last year, I received a monthly prayer calendar from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes that listed a daily prayer topic for athletes and coaches to reflect on. I decided I would take each topic as a theme and try to build a sports or baseball story around it.

It began mainly as mainly a writing exercise but I have to say that, in doing the research for each topic, it became a very revealing, educational look into what coaches, athletes and parents need to do to improve the landscape surrounding youth sports in this country.

At times, it wasn't easy to craft a sports story around what are generally considered to be spiritual topics, but I am glad I did it and I hope it ends up being as educational and inspirational to everyone who reads it as it turned out to be for me.

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