
Sunday, January 03, 2010

Giants 2009 Disaster

This is a team that is only two years removed from a Super Bowl victory and this is where we are? Let's review the season in painful detail.

8-8 season, not so bad you say right? Let's see.

The G-men started the season 5-0, that means they finished a putrid 3-8. 3-8 puts you on a 4-12 season pace which might be more what this team is.

Recall that the last three games of the 5-0 start were against Tampa Bay, Kansas City and Oakland in succession. Throw three average teams against the Giants here and we're looking at maybe a 6-10 team with a fairly soft schedule.

The last 100-yard rusher was GAME 5 against Oakland on 10/11/09.

The last two games lost by a combined 16-85 against score. (41-9 vs. CAR, 44-7 vs. MIN)


This team needs a coaching change (at least O-Coord. Gilbride and D-Coord. Sheridan) at the very least and a heart transplant as well.

The defense has been terrible, swiss-cheese-like all year. I've seen tougher tackling in flag football games. Most of the guys on the defensive side of the ball could not catch on in the lingerie league. Let them go. I can't use the term I normally would to describe these guys in a family blog, but the last time I've seen so many in one huddle was when my cat had a litter of them when I was a kid.


Call a team meeting of all players and coaching staff.
Schedule meeting for exact time demolition team is scheduled to demolish Meadowlands.
Detonate stadium and contents.
Remove all waste materials, Jimmy Hoffa body parts and 2009 Giants team members.
Fire all surviving coaching staff.
Start rebuilding what was once referred to as proud franchise.
Send refund to fans for Game 15 debacle vs. Panthers when your team QUIT.
Hope fans forget 2009 season.


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