
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The missing element...peace in sports

When we are competing, are we more successful when our frame of mind is guided by peace or rage? Many coaches are fueled daily by anger and anxiety bordering on rage and we see the negative consequences that can ensue from that mindset play out in the news today. See Leavitt, Leach, Mangino et. al.

Peace is defined as the ability to remain calm in the midst of swirling chaos and confusion. Is this emotional stability not the quality of "poise" we look for in QB's and pitchers and hitters as they are performing?

Competition provides an environment that can be filled with chaos and confusion. It's inherent in almost every sport or game. The stakes are elevated during key points of the game like "crunch time" when we want to see our players come through in the clutch. This is exactly the time we want players to find this missing element of peace and serenity--when the game is on the line.

If as coaches we expect our players to react well during these crucial periods of competition, shouldn't we also model the behavior we want to see? Of course!! Coach with peace and serenity in your heart and mind. If peace and joy reign in our hearts, we will be better leaders of the athletes in our charge.

PEACE - Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. - Colossians 3:15

You will indeed go out with joy and be peacefully guided; the mountains and the hills will break into singing before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. - Isaiah 55:12

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