
Monday, January 11, 2010

Sports specialization gaining ground - will it fall victim to economic choices?

Parents may want to do what they perceive as best for their athletically gifted children, but will the current economic crisis cause a shift back to the more traditional youth sports route and away from the elite, club level sports teams? We won't know for sure without the benefit of hindsight as the participation numbers roll in, but the staggering costs of participation will almost have to lead to a shift away from the travel ball teams.

Typical costs for participation in youth sports at high levels:

Softball ~$1750
Admissions - $100
Registration - $150
Tournament Fees - $400
Equipment - $150
Travel Expenses - $350
HS Activity Fee - $150
SB Equipment - $150
HS Travel Expenses - $250

Football ~$1150
Clinics - $50
Speed Agility Camp - $75
Equipment $50
HS Activity Fee - $150
Equipment - $200
Travel Expenses - $200
Admissions - $400

Baseball ~$2200
Tournament Fees - $350
Travel Expenses - $350
Admissions - $200
BB Showcase - $500
BB Clinic - $50
Speed Agility Camp - $75
Equipment - $200
HS Participation Fee - $150
HS Travel Expenses - $300

Basketball seems to be a bit more immune to these accelerating costs, so it seems as if the travel ball, AAU type influence will to continue to dominate the landscape here.

$5,100 per year for a SB playing daughter plus a two sport (baseball and football) son. Typical middle to upper middle class family with money to spend but not money to waste.

** Sports like softball, baseball, volleyball, hockey and lacrosse are becoming too expensive for low to middle income families to participate. They risk being considered "country club" sports like golf, tennis, horse back riding and polo.

** Overall Costs Reduce Participation Rates - The gap between participation and success rates between the haves and the have-nots is clearly widening.

** Time Constraints Reduce Participation Rates - between 24-48 hours per week for practices and games. For a two parent family with more than two kids, the schedules can stretch parents thin. For a one parent family, where the parent works two jobs, parental participation can be near impossible task.

** Increased Participation Fees Reduce Participation Rates - The number of students who do not play high school sports because their families cannot afford the participation fees and are too embarrassed to apply for a fee waiver is growing.

Parents may be seeking some economies of scale by cutting down the number of sports their children participate in rather than eliminate participation entirely, thereby cutting down the number of multi-sports athletes and increasing the number of "sports specialists" to cut overall expenses.
Benefits of Multi-Sports Participation - Negatives of Sports Specialization


** Specialists peak at age 15-16 versus 18+ for multi-spots athletes
** Specialists master their sport skills faster than multi-sport athletes
** HS specialists are WYSIWYG while multi-sports athletes leave room for higher ceiling or projectability
** Specialists tend to have higher injury rates


** Added risk of overuse injuries
** Added risk of burn out
** Percentage of College Scholarships awarded is small
** Not achieving full athletic potential

A cursory look at almost any major collegiate baseball teams player bios will show that between 66-75% of the players report participation in multiple sports.

The majority of players drafted in the NFL draft report playing multiple sports in high school.

A majority of draft gurus and GM's from baseball and football default to "taking the best athlete available" after the early rounds.

Most college recruiters look for multiple sport participation and score players who do letter in ore than one sport higher. One of the questions on virtually every college athletic application is "what other sport did you participate other than your primary sport"?

Research continues to pile up showing that multiple sport participation is the better route to athletic success than early specialization.

Research Supporting Multiple Sport Participation:
(Hill, 1988)
(Hill & Hansen, 1988)
(Matheson, 1990)
(Gillis, 1993)
(Cardone, 1994)

Research Supporting Specialization:
(Lord, 2000)
(Hill, 1987)
(Hill & Simmons, 1989)
(Hill & Hansen, 1988)
(Hash, 2000)

We hear a lot about the success stories such as Tiger Woods but not as much about those that went the specialization route and did not succeed.

The great examples of multiple sport participation stretch back in history from Jim Thorpe, Babe Didrickson, Bo Jackson, Deion Sanders, Cal Ripken, John Elway to Joe Mauer. Decades and decades of success stories that continue to this day.

Most think it unwise to specialize at a young age.
Some even think it bad through high school.

With the pot of gold at he end of the rainbow being the allure of a college scholarship, many parents are led to believe that specializing is the best way to become good enough at a sport to have a shot at obtaining one.

Multiple sports participation should be encouraged from an early age though college years. It is better to encourage a wide range of athletic activities to build a solid base of athletic skills that will transfer to a higher level of sports skills in the athletes sport of choice.

Multiple athletic activities -> Higher level of Athletic Skills and Abilities -> Higher Level of Sport Skills and Abilities.

Specialization in Sport: How early... How necessary?
David Susanj, Butte Public Schools, Mt, USA; Craig Stewart, Montana State University, Mt, USA

Bill, A. (1977). The effect of an off-season skill development program on high school basketball players. (Masters Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse,1977) pp. 10-16.

Bloch, J. (1992). Illinois school acts on specialization. Interscholastic Athletic Administration, 18 (4) 22-23.

Cahill, B. R., & Pearl, A. J. (1993). Intensive Participation in Children's Sports. Human Kinetics Publishers, Champaign, IL.

Cardone, D. (1994). A.D. Roundtable: Has specialization in sport affected participation in interscholastic programs? Scholastic Coach and Athletic Director, 64 (5), 4.

Coakley, J. (1992). Burnout among adolescent athletes: A personal failure or social problem? Sociology of Sport Journal, 9, 271-285.

Dalton, S. E., (1992). Overuse injuries in adolescent athletes. Sports Medicine, 13 (1), 58-70.

DiFiori, J. P. (1999). Overuse injuries in children and adolescents. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 27, 1.

Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. [online]. Available: (Accessed 24 March 2002).

Gillis, J. (1993). To play one or several school sports? Such is the issue of specialization. National Federation News, 10 (9), 16-20.

Hammel, B. (1974). The 60 game winning streak: who won, who lost? Phi Delta Kappan, 56 (10), 125-128.

Hash, L. (2000). Sharing athletes. National Federation State High School Associations Coaches' Quarterly, 4 (3), 10.

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Hill, G. M. (1993). Youth sport participation of professional baseball players. Sociology of Sport Journal, 10, 107-114.

Hill, G. M., & Hansen, G. F. (1988). Specialization in high school athletics: A new trend? Clearing House, 62 (1), 40-41.

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Kantrowitz, B. (1996, December 9). Don't just do it for daddy: Parents can push. But real success awaits the kids who want to achieve for themselves. Newsweek, 128 (24), 56-58.

Leonard, W. M. II. (1996). The odds of transiting from one level of sports participation to another. Sociology of Sport Journal, 13, 288-299

Lord, M. (2000, July). Too Much, too soon? Doctors group warns against early specialization. U.S. News Online. [online]. Available: (July 19, 2000)

Martin, D. E. (1997). Interscholastic sport participation: Reasons for maintaining or terminating participation. Journal of Sport Behavior, 20 (1), 94-103.

Matheson, B. (1990). Specialization: A detriment to high school sports. Saskatchewan High Schools Athletic Association Bulletin, 14 (4), 5-6.

Micheli, L. J., (2001). Injuries among young athletes on the rise. United States Sports Academy's Sport Supplement, 9 (1), 1,8.

Smoll, F.L., Magill, R.A., & Ash, M.J. (1988). Children in Sport (3rd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Stevenson, C. L. (1990). The early careers of international athletes. Sociology of Sport Journal, 7, 238-253

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