
Friday, January 15, 2010

A tale of two cities....will Gilbert Arenas be the next Plax?

It's all about the lawyers, guns and money, I guess. Apologies to Warren Zevon.

I'm not sure how in good conscience the Washington D.C. justice department officials can allow Gilbert Arenas to plea bargain down to a charge that would allow him to serve no jail time in Washington DC after NYC officials nailed Plaxico Burress to the wall. Apparently they are, according to reports from ESPN news.

These reports are especially disturbing in light of Arenas prior history of violation of gun possession law. According to AP reports, Arenas was found guilty of possessing an unregistered firearm during a traffic stop in 2003 in San Francisco. So he is aware or should be aware of local gun laws. It goes with the responsibility of possession.

What kind of message does this send about the seriousness of these gun laws?


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