
Saturday, March 20, 2010


Not a bad start for the two Team Slavik entries. In a pool of 44, Ledra's entry is in a rather large tie for second. She is currently holding down the third spot if you consider "best score" as the next tie-breaker.

My bracket comes in a large tie for third, seventh overall considering the best score remaining.
So not a bad start. Ledra had 25 correct picks out of 32 to my 24 of 32. The best entry in our pool currently stands at 26 correct, so we're in decent shape there.

We clicked on the Cornell 12/5 upset of Temple and the St. Mary's 10/7 victory over Richmond.
Florida as a 10/7 upset over BYU was looking good until O/T.

On the hurt side, Georgetown pulled the choke earlier than anticipated and I had them advancing further. Notre Dame's annual folding chair act was a bit of a surprise, but it shouldn't have been. I was looking at Washington as a live dog versus Washington but did not pull the trigger.

Murray State over Vanderbilt probably hurt more than just our entries. The Clemson loss and Oklahoma State losing to Georgia Tech in the 7/10 spots were not huge surprises or hurts.

So off we go to the second round in pretty good shape. Kansas to win on both cards was probably not too smart--the whole putting all our eggs in one basket thing, but we shall see how it plays out.

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