
Thursday, April 29, 2010

NFL Draft shows the more we know, the more we don't know

How else to explain the pre-draft preening of the various ESPN football guru-dumb regarding the potential NFL future of one Tim Tebow. Kiper, McShay and NFL QB expert Ron Jaworski all on record stating that Tebow cannot play QB in the NFL.

Then along comes the Denver Broncos with a basket full of future picks, trading up into the first round to get him. They didn't put together that package of picks to make him an H-back or a TE. Josh McDaniel and the Broncos organization must have been pretty convinced to make the kind of statement they did. McDaniel has a good reputation of developing QB's. He must not have been as worried about Tebow's horrible mechanics as the ESPN talking heads did.

It was priceless to see all of them choking on the crow they were going to have to eat after predicting that Tebow was not, in their esteemed opinions of course, first-round worthy. But it was simply easier for all of them to call Josh McDaniels and the Broncos organization a bunch of idiots.

Most of these guys couldn't separate Peyton Manning from Ryan Leaf a few years back, how did that work out?

This guy had it nailed back in January:

by Sayre Bedinger on Jan 27, 2010 11:05 PM MST

Before I continue, I beg everyone to continue on in the post before simply commenting on my headline. I feel everyone has the right to their own opinion, and I acknowledge that a majority of NFL observers are not so hot on Tim Tebow, but I feel the Broncos are the perfect fit for him, have said so numerous times, and will continue to say so until a piece of Broncos brass comes forth and declares that I am wrong.


1. First Round, 10th overall: Tim Tebow, Quarterback, Florida

6'3" 240

We can all think of so many reasons we don't want the Broncos to draft Tim Tebow, but in all honesty, he's going to be the best player available when we pick in all likelihood.

Rolando McClain? He'll be gone. Joe Haden? Gone. Many see this as a reach of a pick, but not me. With Tebow's intangibles and arm strength, if the only thing holding him back is his poor throwing motion then I'd take the guy number one overall, and it wouldn't even be a question.

Players like Tebow are extremely rare. It's not often you see a player so devoted to his teammates, so devoted to learning anything and everything, and a player who is willing to do whatever it takes to help his team win.

He is a winner. All the guy ever did in college was win. Say what you want about him being a "system" quarterback, but he mastered that particular system better than any quarterback before him, and he is arguably the greatest college quarterback of all time because of it.

Tebow is an All-American athlete. He is an All-American student. His work ethic and intangibles are off the charts. His passion for the game is almost unmatched. His arm strength is elite.

Seems like all he needs is the right coaching, and with the McDaniels brothers, he has it. If I'm the one calling the shots, I pull the trigger on Tebow right away. It looks to me like our coin flip with Jacksonville is going to hold a lot more weight than all of us think.

I guess the Broncos are now my new favorite (AFC) team.

Which bring me to my other favorite team and the fallacy of evaluating the draft on a knee-jerk basis.

I flip back to the last time I felt as excited about a draft pick as I was this week when the Broncos positioned themselves to get Tim Tebow.

The Giants pick of Eli Manning.

Many people questioned the Giants for paying too much to get Eli when the pick was first made. Myself included. Many felt that there were other, better options out there like Ben Roethlisberger or Phillip Rivers to be had without mortgaging the future. And the early returns showed the Giants possibly making a huge mistake. When Big Ben won his first Super Bowl, the pick looked like a monumental bust. Now, after Eli matches Big Ben's Super Bowl and Phillip Rivers looks lost without LT, the Giants look golden for making a bold move. Throw in Big Ben's recent character issues and the G-men look like geniuses, after initially looking like fools.

So we shall see, over time, who is right as far as this pick goes. Josh McDaniels has clearly made a statement. And he has some sound basis for making his decision. Ultimately, it may or may not work out--which is why the games are played.

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