
Friday, April 30, 2010



The spirit of 1776 is not dead. It has only been slumbering. The body of the American people is substantially republican. but their virtuous feelings have been played on by some fact with more fiction; they have been the dupes of artful maneuvers, and made for a moment to be willing instruments in forging chains for themselves. But times and truth dissipated the delusion, and opened their eyes - Thomas Jefferson, 1799

I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents - James Madison, 1794

A power to take from a nation, and give to itself, is a strict definition of civilized tyranny - John Taylor, 1814

In less than ten years, using reasonable assumptions, there will essentially be no money left to run the US government — 93% of all tax revenues the US government collects will go to pay social security, Medicare, Medicaid and the interest costs on their national debt. - Eric Sprott & David Franklin, Sprott Asset Management

These numbers and projections are echoed by none less than the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. The conclusions are that if we don't face our bloated budget deficits, we will be where Greece in ten years.

"In the end, we learn a lot from this latest SEC fiasco. The agency that cannot detect a Madoff fraud (or Sanford fraud - C.S.) can conjure up a Goldman fraud out of thin air. At this point, some fundamental reform is in order. Forget the fancy stuff. Either the SEC should master its primary fraud prevention mission, or it should shut down altogether." - Richard Epstein in Forbes

Once again in this SEC vs. Goldman Sachs case, which is really being whipped up into a case of "The People" vs. the United States what we are really seeing is a massive P.R / C.Y.A. campaign by our elected officials to divert their own culpability in the financial debacle.

And once again, just as we witnessed in the health care reform debacle which did nothing about tort reform--an area which most agree is one of the main reasons for escalating medical costs after government involvement--we are being spoon fed a "financial reform" package that does nothing about the GSE's or Government Sponsored Enterprises.

It's would be a joke if it weren't so serious. Throw all the bums out in November, whether they are R-'s or D-'s or phonies masquerading as I-'s. They were all there lighting matches when the house caught fire and now they want to be put in charge of the fire hose and the home rebuilding.

Tell them, No Thanks. You're Fired.

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