
Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Girl Power, Indeed!!

A hat tip to my sister Maria, who sent this to me under the Girl Power title.

We can apparently add 12 year-old Chelsea Baker (joining previously highlighted Eri Yoshida) to the list of potential women working to become the first to break the gender barrier in MLB.

Given her age, she may arrive in another ten years or so, hopefully I live long enough to see it.|main|dl4|link1|

She fits in the mold of the type of player who would be able to make the leap. Although she now throws a near 70 MPH fastball, which is elite company among twelve year olds, she will lose ground as the boys mature and are able to power 90 mile per hour fastballs in the future.

Physiologically, she has very likely nearly topped out as far as power production necessary to fire elite fastballs, but the knuckler will give her a chance to pitch anywhere.

I don't think Wakefield or either of the Niekro's threw harder than low to mid 80's anyway.

Apparently, Joe Niekro took a shine to her down in Plant City, FL before he passed away and taught her the basics of the knuckler.

I love the quote from Chelsea's step-dad:

"I still hear parents from other teams say, 'When is she going to start playing softball?' '' said stepfather Rod Mason, who helps coach her team now. "And it kind of ticks me off. So I usually just say, 'When she stops striking out your little Johnny.' ''

It shows that their need not be any barriers to success in an environment where merit is the sole basis for reward and advancement. The ball simply does not know who is throwing it or hitting it, it rewards the elite craftsmen without discrimination.

I know some will say coaches will discriminate subconsciously based on societal norms and expectations, but at some point coaches will be more motivated by wins and losses.

Good luck to Chelsea. We will keep an eye on her progress.

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