
Sunday, May 30, 2010

This is how we do it in Chicago.....a stirring emotional reaction


US National Anthem drowned out by cheers at 91 NHL All Star Game

Wayne Messmer sings the National Anthem at Chicago Stadium during the '91 NHL All-Star game, days after the U.S. went into Iraq at the start of the Gulf War. He is nearly drowned out by the crowd.

This was broadcast live to the troops in the Middle East, and Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf reportedly played a tape of this to his soldiers.

I don't know if this will start the debate anew, but I like this. I like it a lot. And maybe it is time for the somewhat quaint and antiquated tradition of showing quiet respect for the flag falls by the wayside. And maybe we can show our love and support for our country and the troops in a passionate way. Why not? To do otherwise conveys the impression that the support is not there.

I understand why veterans quietly bow there heads and pay homage and respect in their own way, but they do not seem to be offended by the 'Hawks fans level of support. It is veterans and armed services groups that present the colors each time the anthem is played here and they do not seem offended.

In the Fox News debate below the columnist from Detroit who takes issue with the 'Hawks fans display mentions that the "penalties" for this type of action are the same as those for defacing the flag. Well someone should have pointed out to him that thanks to the Supreme Court those "penalties" are zero. It's a free speech right apparently to deface, defile and rebuke the flag and all its stands for in every way, shape and form imaginable. IMO, it is high time those of us who support the flag and this country and all that it stands for stand quietly no more. Those that stand for something else can choose to stand somewhere far away from myself and those who attend games at "The Madhouse on Madison". By law, we may not be able to silence you, but we sure as hell can drown your sorry ass voices out.

I agree with Marv Albert's description of the 1991 display. A stirring rendition.



2010 Chicago Blackhawks National Anthem: "Let's Show The World How We Do It In Chicago"

In 1991, a week after we sent our troops into the Gulf War, the Blackhawks hosted the NHL all-star game. After it was announced that the troops were watching the game overseas, the crowd cheered throughout the ENTIRE national anthem. It's been a tradidtion ever since. You've never seen anything like this...

Blackhawks National Anthem Controversy

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