
Friday, June 18, 2010

Blame it on the vuvuzela, or the goalie's HGF.....


Yankees ban vuvuzelas from stadium:

Actually, a poll of virtually every other major league teams fans would reveal that most fans would prefer the "soothing" drone of the vuvuzela to the obnoxious emanations of the typical Yankee fan.

Scientists indicate that early research shows that the overwhelming majority of Bronx denizens are actually immunized from the harmful effects of mind-numbingly inane and obnoxious noise that would cripple the ears of those from other regions of the country due to the many years of having to listen to local bellowing of natives such as Mike Lupica, Howard Stern and Yankee broadcster John Sterling. To say nothing of the cacophony of civil sounds one hears on a leisurely jaunt down the streets of Manhattan most mornings.



Sorry folks I still don't get it. We're going to ban vuvzelas from Yankee Stadium and that is going to lower the level of obnoxious behavior at Yankee Stadium? By Yankee fans? This where you choose to draw the line? Oh yeah, and iPad's.

OK, whatever. The vuvuzela or John Sterling? Which is more obnoxious? Seems like an easy call.

To me it sounds a bit like the French blaming their first loss on the vuvuzela. What, the French lost again to Mexico? They're 0-2 now? Well that goes to my theory that the French just suck. At more than just soccer, BTW.

At least go down like the Spaniards and the British, Pepe LePew. Blame the goalie's hot girlfriend. This girl is tailor made for TV. She asks her BF after the game, "How did you muck this up?". Well played, sister. Well played, indeed.


Sara Carbonero, a beautiful sideline reporter and girlfriend of Spanish goalkeeper Iker Casillas, is being blamed by some fans for Spain's shocking World Cup loss to Switzerland on Wednesday.

The Guardian reports that the gorgeous sportscaster is accused of distracting her boyfriend by being so close to the field before and during the crucial match. Casillas allowed the game's only goal, and Spanish fans are worried that Carbonero could be to blame.

The Spanish beauty later shot back at critics, dismissing claims that she "destabilized the team" as "nonsense."

After the game, Carbonero interviewed her boyfriend and asked him about the team's unexpectedly lousy performance. On live TV, she asked her lover, "How did you muck this up?" (Video of the interview -- in Spanish -- is below.)

Spain's former coach also criticized the team after the surprising loss, telling reporters that the team didn't have "enough conviction" against the Swiss.

Casillas is not the only World Cup goalkeeper whose performance is said to have been affected by romantic complications. English goalie Robert Green may have been torn up by his split with a young lingerie model when he allowed an infamous goal to the United States.

So, English goalie Robert Green may have been torn up by his split with a young lingerie model when he allowed an infamous goal to the United States, you say? You think?

I guess I will never fully be able to understand the full range of factors that conspire to effect the performance of today's elite athlete.

Yes, I suppose a split with a young lingerie model could affect one's focus at just the most critical moment in a huge international match. Sort of makes the case for limiting oneself to dating the older, skankier lingerie models now doesn't it? At least until one's playing career is over. Note to self and play on, I guess. Right fellas?

In other sports news, the Lakers beat the Celtics to win the NBA championship. BFD. My apologies to Joe Biden.

Also, now that the Giants seem to have a semblance of an offense, they have crawled back into contention in the NL West.

The bad news is the Giants best player this side of Tim Lincecum, Pablo Sandoval, is now close to hitting his weight. The real problem with having said that is, Sandoval is currently hitting about .280 recently. Apparently, the Camp Panda effort at weight management is not working well for the Panda. The dilemma becomes, do Giants fans and management want to see Pablo return to his career average of .300 plus or lose weight and get in better shape? Stay tuned.

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