
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Life's Lessons Learned at a Baseball Game


OK, follow me here.

When we coach kids, especially when they get to be older than 12-13, we ALWAYS tell them, "get in front of the ball", "knock it down", "make a play". And we reinforce it with a macho chaser like, "It's going to hurt more if you let it get past you, then if it hits you" implying that letting the team down is a fate worse than taking one in the jewels.

And thankfully, most of the time, the team moms are out of earshot when this advice is dispensed, because if they hear this type of Neanderthal mind-set spewed to their youngsters, you are pretty likely to go in front of the board or your A.D. and have your jobs on the line.

But here we will see how these life lessons taught and learned on the fields across America have lasting, life-long value. Even if the message occasionally get side-tracked or watered-down by today's P.C. / bull-spit environment.

I give you America's newest YouTube sensations:

The appearance on CBS The Early Show

Dude gets his manhood seriously questioned on National TV!!!

I mean that was painful to watch. He got raked pretty good by that overbearing Harry Smith, who appears like he should be the last one questioning anyones manhood, BTW. Is an appearance fee -- or a trip to NYC -- that valuable that you would subject a perfectly respectable young man from having to go through this sort of televised emasculation.

I mean, you can bail out like that if you are with one of your buddies and he takes one in the nachos or his beer gets splashed all over the yard. It's all good then, everyone's a hero - no losers - high-fives and laughs all around, you both end up on the Jumbo-Tron, nobody gets hurt. You buy the next round. ALL GOOD!!

But THIS!!!

Thank goodness they didn't go on The View. He might have had his genitals served up to him on a Shish Kabob. And they are the first ones to squawk about equality and spit. If that's the case, GF is on her own, right? Of course not. See how the messages get mixed?

So let this be a lesson to all the young men out there. Fellas, take one for the team. We got ice. The old horsehide will NEVER, EVER hurt you as much as this. I don't care where you get hit. His boys would be in better shape if he got nailed right in the package, then the way he bailed out on his women. And if you think appearing on national TV is going to help your chances with Ms. Future GF, think again son.

You're young, you'll learn but I'll tell you, girls talk, they share stories like this. You think the first video went viral fast, this one ought to leave that bad boy in the dust. Change your name, shave the goofy 'stache, maybe you'll get another chance.

This is getting world-wide attention.


'Cowardly' American baseball fan 'Bo the Bailer' caught on TV 'dodging foul ball'

An American baseball fan dubbed “Bo the Bailer” has become an internet hit after being caught on television ducking to avoid catching a ball hit into the stands that then struck his girlfriend.

And to the women, who at times question why we cling to the SEEMINGLY cavemen-like traditions that we do - PLEASE, SHUT-UP!!! Don't question how we raise the boys. It's for their own good. We know what we're doing and we also know that someday -- at a time and place not of our choosing -- something like this is going to happen to all of us.

This is Exhibit A in our case for why these traditions will not, can not and should not ever die.

See, I maintain that chivalry is not dead, it's just having it's head held underwater by goofy feminists. But you can never win, I guess. It's the world we live in nowadays.


I don't know, maybe it's me, I've been to tons of games and I've never come near catching a foul ball. I would be more likely to push my girl out of the way to GET TO the ball. This guy bails, lets his girl take the shot, and still gets the ball on the rebound.

Life's not fair.


The video of a young woman being struck by a foul ball at Monday's Houston Astros game when her boyfriend moved out of the way may have contributed to the couple's break-up.

Bo Wyble and Sara Saco-Vertiz, the pair who became famous on the internet after the video of the foul ball went viral, made a trip to New York on Thursday to appear on CBS' "Early Show," where they were interviewed by Harry Smith.

Towards the end of the interview, Smith asked if they were still together.

They looked at each other and giggled, before Saco-Vertiz said "I mean, it's not over because of the ball." Before she could continue, Smith cut her off, saying "There's more than we want to know."

The two admitted they moved up from their original seats at Minute Maid Park during the game between the Astros and the Atlanta Braves, to the seats where the foul ball landed.

Saco-Vertiz said the pain after the ball hit her was "a six out of ten."

Then, Wyble was given a stern lecture on chivalry by Smith.

"In normal human life, if a foul ball comes your way, you know what men do?," Smith said. "They stand up and they catch the foul ball. That's what men do."

"Oh," Wydle replied sheepishly.

Smith then gave Wydle a chance to explain himself.

"I stood up to catch it and when it got close, I lost sight of it, so I moved," Wyble said. "I figured she wasn't sitting still, I figured she had moved."

A couple seconds of awkward silence follwed before Smith incredulously asked "That's it? That's all you got?"

Wyble said if he had the chance to relive that night, he would stand in front of his then-girlfriend and let the ball hit him in the back.

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