
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Giants and Padres tango with lead while Rockies roar back

Giants pull into a virtual tie with the Padres, with the red-hot Rockies breathing down both teams necks as we move into the final stages if the season.

A productive four game series with the Padres this weekend sets the Giants up nicely for the final eighteen games. The Giants managed to bookend 7-3 and 6-1 drubbings around a trade-off of 1-0 shutouts with that seemed to demonstrate that the Giants are on the rise while the Padres magic appears to be running out of gas.

The next three series, home stands vs. the Dodgers and Brewers precede a three-game set at Wrigley Filed versus the Cubs and a huge three game set at Colorado. If the Giants can take six of the nine against the Dodgers, Cubs and Brewers -- who are playing out the string -- they should be in good shape for the Rockies series. The season ends with two, three-game series at home versus the D-Backs and the Padres.

The Rockies are on one of their patented annual late season runs and bear watching. All the while the Giants and Padres have been watching each other, the Rockies have spent creeping back in by simply refusing to lose. The three game set looms large for both teams.

But the Giants are looking good right now. A tough loss over the weekend with the injury to Andres Torres may throw Aaron Rowand back into the mix and give Cody Ross some more looks as well.

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