
Monday, September 27, 2010

Trouble for the NAACP...

Apparently, PJTV's Tea Party Tracking Poll looked at the Tea Party and found some results that perhaps the NAACP should take a look at. Apparently 1/3 of the folks they claim to represent do not seem to see the world through the same set of glasses that they would like them too. This is really good news for the future. Unless you are employed by the NAACP.


Surprise! 1/3 of blacks back tea-party movement
'The wheels on the race-card bus are beginning to fall off'

A new poll released this week soundly contradicts critics' claims that the tea-party movement is "fringe," "white" and "racist."

PJTV's Tea Party Tracking Poll has monitored nationwide sentiments toward the tea party on a weekly basis since Aug. 2. The poll's most recent reports reveal the following results:

The number of people who identify as "members" of the tea party has more than tripled over the last month alone, up to 21 percent of likely voters;

Fifty-five percent of those surveyed said they support the tea parties based on the movement's positions on the issues;

Among the likely voters who are black, 32 percent said they would vote for a candidate backed by the tea parties.
The last statistic caught the attention of PJTV.

"Questions of racism within the tea party have been raised for months now," said PJTV's Polling Director Vik Rubenfeld in a statement. "Our survey found that more than one in three African-Americans support the movement. Moreover, the data revealed that 32 percent are also likely to vote for a congressional candidate whom the tea party supports."

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