
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Uribe puts Giants one small step away

Uribe put the finishing stroke on the masterpiece, but in reality this is becoming a huge team effort. Cain dominates last night to put the Phillies behind the eight ball. Bumgarner pitches tough as nails early before giving way to the bullpen. Posey continues to show he is something more than your garden variety rookie catcher. Huff, Sanchez and now maybe even Kung Fu Panda are revitalized. The outfield rotation is providing just enough offense to win games.

One small step away, but it will take one Giant effort to get there.

I like our chances. I think the Phillies bringing Oswalt in to hold last night was almost a act of desperation, a borderline panic move. We'll see how that influences the Phillies tonight.

Our ace versus their ace. A fair fight, but I like our chances. Lincecum is just cool enough to pull it off.

And as good as the Phillies pitching is, I agree with what Eric Karros said last night - not so fast boys - the Phillies have to beat Lincecum, Sanchez and Cain in rapid succession. If they do it, I'll be the first to tip my cap to them and say good luck in the World Series.

But I like our chances better right now.

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