
Monday, November 08, 2010

Let's start listening to the 'kooks' more...the 'geniuses' got us in to this mess

The current Federal Reserve moguls returned to the scene of the crime this weekend -- Jekkyl Island, GA -- where plans for the Federal Reserve system were hatched one hundred years ago. In that time the value of the currency, which they are mandated to protect, has decreased nearly one hundred percent. As I have mentioned before, they are on pace to totally destroy the dollar -- to have it go from being worth less (two words) to worthless (one word) -- in another two or three years.

The only politician who seems to have a good grasp on what this means and what to do about it, Ron Paul.


"I think the Fed will self-destruct. People will desert the dollar. I think the Chinese are hinting that already. They are not wanting our dollars as much as raw materials. This is a deeply flawed monetary system. Here we have a small group of people who can create $600 billion with the stroke of a pen... I don't know where people are coming from to think that this can work. What really astounds me me is how tolerant the people are, the people in Congress and the financial market, where did this authority come from? Now somebody outside of the government can spend trillions of dollars and not think anything about it. It doesn't work, it's a failure. And next year it will be more. Bernanke is very clear on what he is going to do - he is going to create money until he gets economic growth and there is no evidence to show that just creating money causes economic growth."

But he's the one who is branded by the major media outlets (on both sides) as a kook.

And he's the one who was branded by his fellow Republican's as a kook during the 2008 primaries.

They apparently should have been listening more closely to Mr. Paul than they did. Perhaps next time (2012), they will.

Perhaps more of the electorate will help them with their hearing and comprehension problems.

BTW, I know how he feels. I continue to burst out singing "Silver and Gold, silver and gold...." at random times throughout the day a lot more nowadays than I used to.


I wonder why? Maybe because Gold crossed $1,400 today and Silver seems to be accelerating towards $30 an ounce.

It's funny that these two metals are also referred to as "honest money" but the signals that they are sending are somewhat "confusing" to the current Federal Reserve chairman.

I believe he knows exactly what kind of signal these two "honest money" markers are saying as he embarks on his quest to devalue the "dishonest money" - the dollar - that is under his stewardship. So liar, incompetent - you take your pick there Benny-boy. But history is going to put one of those labels on you, if not both, and they will stick.

Gold and Silver seem to be appreciating at a much more rapid rate than the assets (stocks, homes, commodities) that "Bubbles" Ben Bernanke seems to be trying so desperately to inflate.

I wonder why that is?

Hmmm......given the choice between "honest" and "dishonest" it confuses our intellectual genius of a Fed Chairman that people would choose honest over dishonest? WOW!!! That tells me something -- in rather unambiguous terms, no less -- about both Ben Bernanke and the monetary system that he currently oversees. Might be time for some SERIOUS reform in that area.

I suggest that the American people through their elected representatives -- help Benny with his listening and comprehension problem.

While we're at it, look at this:

Even our own Sarah Palin understands what is going on here. You go girl.

From the National Review:

Palin to Bernanke: ‘Cease and Desist’

Here are snippets from Palin’s prepared remarks obtained by National Review Online:

I’m deeply concerned about the Federal Reserve’s plans to buy up anywhere from $600 billion to as much as $1 trillion of government securities. The technical term for it is “quantitative easing.” It means our government is pumping money into the banking system by buying up treasury bonds. And where, you may ask, are we getting the money to pay for all this? We’re printing it out of thin air.

The Fed hopes doing this may buy us a little temporary economic growth by supplying banks with extra cash which they could then lend out to businesses. But it’s far from certain this will even work. After all, the problem isn’t that banks don’t have enough cash on hand – it’s that they don’t want to lend it out, because they don’t trust the current economic climate.

And if it doesn’t work, what do we do then? Print even more money? What’s the end game here? Where will all this money printing on an unprecedented scale take us? Do we have any guarantees that QE2 won’t be followed by QE3, 4, and 5, until eventually – inevitably – no one will want to buy our debt anymore? What happens if the Fed becomes not just the buyer of last resort, but the buyer of only resort?

All this pump priming will come at a serious price. And I mean that literally: everyone who ever goes out shopping for groceries knows that prices have risen significantly over the past year or so. Pump priming would push them even higher. And it’s not just groceries. Oil recently hit a six month high, at more than $87 a barrel. The weak dollar – a direct result of the Fed’s decision to dump more dollars onto the market – is pushing oil prices upwards. That’s like an extra tax on earnings. And the worst part of it: because the Obama White House refuses to open up our offshore and onshore oil reserves for exploration, most of that money will go directly to foreign regimes who don’t have America’s best interests at heart.

We shouldn’t be playing around with inflation. It’s not for nothing Reagan called it “as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber, and as deadly as a hit man.” The Fed’s pump priming addiction has got our small businesses running scared, and our allies worried. The German finance minister called the Fed’s proposals “clueless.” When Germany, a country that knows a thing or two about the dangers of inflation, warns us to think again, maybe it’s time for Chairman Bernanke to cease and desist. We don’t want temporary, artificial economic growth bought at the expense of permanently higher inflation which will erode the value of our incomes and our savings. We want a stable dollar combined with real economic reform. It’s the only way we can get our economy back on the right track.

Another kook according to the media.

Why does it seem to me -- and a growing number of people recently -- that a lot of the people that the media from both sides of the aisle seems to delight in portraying as 'out of the mainstream kooks' who have nothing to offer, are making the most sense?


If that doesn't work, Rinse, Lather, Repeat. Until we find some public servants who understand the meaning of the word "servant". I guess most of them understand the meaning of the word public, but I wouldn't mind them having to take a test to prove it. Maybe throw a question or two about the Constitution just to make them really squirm.

If that wasn't enough reason to like Ms. Palin here's 10 more from Doug Giles:

Why Palin Petrifies Progressives

Doug Giles

Here’s why I believe the dour democratic dames particularly dislike Palin. Check it out:

1. Palin’s hot and can rock a pair of heels, hunting boots, or any garment she dons. And you can tell she knows it and likes it. Most of the ladies on the Left, however, cannot—and we all know how jealous and petty some chicks can be when they’re aesthetically upstaged (cat fight).

2. They hate Sarah because she’s supposedly anti-intellectual. However, I’d love to see Tina Fey, Katie Couric or Joy Behag go mano a mano with her on any given topic and see who comes off looking like Snooki.

3. The feministas don’t dig SP because she’s had five kids (one of whom has Down’s Syndrome) and has never considered offing any of them in her womb.

4. She believes in the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and they hate Christians.

5. She’s a conservative, and they hate conservatives.

6. She’s insanely successful, and she did it without curtsying to their wacked weltanschauung.

7. Her husband’s not some prissy, manicured metrosexual man-child but an ass kicking Alaskan.

8. She hunts and fishes. Her motto: Shoot it. Stuff it. Hang it on a wall, baby.

9. She’s unapologetic to all of the above.

10. And finally, they know that if she ever makes it to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue that she’s going to hand the Dems their shriveled BB-sized cojones on a free market platter while the majority of the USA gives her a standing ovation.

And that, my children, is why Palin petrifies the paranormal progressives.


I agree with the sentiments portrayed by this political cartoon. This woman virtually single-handedly raised the Republican Party from the grave, And we shall see how they repay her. My guess would be a knife in the back or a stick in the eye or some other such nonsense. Once they begin to believe that the people turned to them because of their own virtues.

That's why I would not mind seeing a Paul - Palin option out there in 2012. And if that means the Repubs don't win, or it siphons off votes, too bad. Maybe these kind of independent thinkers are what we need.

And if the Dems need to rehab some moderates like Evan Bayh, or one of my personal favorites from the past, Bill Bradley, then I think we would be making some real, positive change in our government.

How did guys like that get chased off the scene so rapidly? Hmmm......I wonder?

As I have said before, we are probably overdue for a Revolution in this country. Hopefully, this can be a peaceful one. Next election, let's put the 'kooks' in charge -- we can't do much worse.

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