
Friday, December 31, 2010

Bubbling Crude...more from the Bears....Noah's Ark wisdom

A recent missive from Dan Norcini who writes his thoughts on the markets for Jim Sinclair's MineSet blog.

I think he does a great job of taking the Fed to task for what they are doing for the people of this country. And the homeowners who were expecting long-term interest rates to fall so they could maybe refinance their homes and save a few bucks can just go pound salt. It ain't going to happen as long-term rates have skyrocketed since ol' Bennie cranked up his printing press to bail out the banks come more.

That would have been a great form of economic stimulus that would have come at no cost to the taxpayers. But it would have reduced the profits of the banks. So it's not going to happen on any type of scale in this country. People with 700+ plus FICO scores are getting turned down for re-fi's nationwide either because of banker apathy or appraisals that come in at a level were it is not feasible for anyone to underwrite the loan. Hmmmmmmm..........

Posted: Dec 22 2010 By: Dan Norcini Post Edited: December 22, 2010 at 5:47 pm

Filed under: Trader Dan Norcini

Dear Friends,

Observing the price action in the commodity markets today has given me great reason for concern for that which I feared seems to have occurred, namely, the crude oil market has broken out to the upside. I suppose it was just a matter of time based on the orgy of fund buying across the commodity sector but I was secretly hoping that we might avoid such a close mainly to prevent what now seems to be a certain price rise for the cost of energy. Heretofore, the soaring CCI (Continuous Commodity Index) has been moving higher mainly based on food and metal costs. Now we have the trifecta where the three main segments of that index are moving higher in tandem.

Actually, given the extent of the price run in the food and metals sector, the energy sector has a lot of ground to make up.

Yesterday crude put in its best close in 26 months. Today it has closed above what has become both technical and psychological chart resistance at the $90 level. Should it end this trading week above $90, holiday trading conditions or no holiday trading conditions, it will put in its best weekly close since October 2008. Moving forward into the New Year, it looks most probable that it is going to make a run at $100.

My fear mentioned above is that in addition to consumers soon to get walloped with sticker shock at the grocery stores within the space of a few months as the price rise works its way through the distribution channels, they were also going to get hit with rising gasoline and energy costs, a double whammy for their pocketbooks at the time that many can ill afford it. There are so many struggling families dealing with lost incomes and underemployment for those fortunate enough to have found work, that any further price pressures on the energy front would act to take some of them over the edge financially. Many are having to cut expenses drastically in an attempt to stay in their homes. How soaring food and energy costs are supposed to benefit the economy escapes me.

The ivory tower types of the monetary realm are completely disconnected from the havoc and harm that they have caused so many with their incredibly short-sighted and foolhardy monetary policies. The Federal Reserve is presiding over the deliberate and planned unleashing of the inflation genie without the least bit of concern as to how that is going to affect the average middle class American. Words cannot express the contempt and disdain I have for this group of elitists. Keep in mind how this entire debacle began and the “medicine” that has been brought forth to supposedly cure it. If this is the cure, they are only succeeding in slowly killing the patient.

There does not seem to be any end in sight to the continued money creation efforts of the Fed so all that we can do is attempt to protect ourselves and our loved ones from their depredations upon our life savings. The bond market, while currently being artificially propped up by these snake oil salesmen, looks heavy, even in spite of the massive buys it is seeing as the Fed makes the purchases that are part of its QE (money printing) program. Once that market breaks down in earnest, it will not take much to see a cascade of selling erupt as bond holders head to the exits. I suspect that the Chinese are more than seriously concerned about their national wealth, a large part of which still remains trapped in these worthless IOU’s called Treasury Debt.
Long term rates could then rise quite rapidly as bondholders experience a selling panic and feverishly attempt to avoid being the last man standing in what might well become a sort of perverse game of musical chairs. Their actions will create a cycle in which selling intensifies.

The resulting rise in longer term interest rates will work to continue depress the Real estate sector not to mention hit thousands of homeowners trapped in adjustable rate mortgages which will then reset to a rate that may force even more of them out of their homes. Quite frankly, I see nothing on the horizon preventing this from occurring at this point because the Fed cannot create enough money to buy up all the outstanding Treasury debt that is going to be unloaded. Oh they conceivably could I suppose but at what cost to the Dollar!

Jim has said it more than once over the last few years that these derivative creators and vile peddlers have destroyed us all in their greed. Many of you have not understood what he has been saying or perhaps felt that it was an overreaction. Rest assured, the fallout from this sordid mess is now rapidly descending upon us.

The Fed created this travesty under the tenure of Mr. Greenspan who never saw a potential problem on the horizon without throwing money at it. For that, he was stupidly hailed as “The Maestro”. His madness, of lowering interest rates to ridiculously low levels, gave rise to the hedge fund industry and its attempts to then find yield in any sector that it could. The wave of speculative frenzy unleashed then crashed into one sector after another only abating when the derivative market blew all to hell which was inevitable. Enter Mr. Bernanke, who then revitalized the beast of speculative frenzy by one upping his predecessor. Much like Beowolf’s golden horn raised the dragon, Bernanke’s QE idiocy fan the fires of leveraged insanity as he practically begged the hedge funds to buy commodities to induce inflation and ward of his ridiculous fear of deflation. The results are now obvious. Nice going guys – you can sit in your ivory tower and quietly study the effects of your brain child while Middle America slowly dies of price asphyxiation. A pox on your entire house.

If Schiller and Schiff are correct about the direction housing prices are heading in 2011 (down another 10-20%) I suggest the torch and pitchfork crowd stays warmed up in the bullpen.

“Suckers Rally:
Pimp Bernanke and the Psychopathic Super-Whores of CNBC”
by Greg Hunter

Suckers rally: Pimp Bernanke and the Psychopathic Super-Whores of CNBC

The United States of Debt

Hat tip to The Automatic Earth blog

All I Really Need To Know I Learned From Noah's Ark

Always live a righteous life - even if you're the only one; it will be noticed.

Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone might ask you to do something REALLY big.

Don't listen to critics - do what has to be done.

Listen to what God tells you - your life depends on it.

Put action to your faith. Noah could have believed God, yet still drowned if he hadn't built the ark.

Finish what you start.

Two heads are better than one.

Speed isn't always an advantage. The cheetahs were on board, but so were the snails.

Don't forget that we're all in the same boat.

Remember that the ark was built by amateurs and the Titanic by professionals.

Remember that the woodpeckers INSIDE can be a bigger threat than the storm outside.

Don't miss the boat.

Have patience! The ark wasn't built in a year, and the flood wasn't finished in 40 days and 40 nights.

If God is with you; no matter how bleak it looks, there's always a rainbow at the end.

When God has brought you safely through the storm, don't forget to praise and thank Him.



  1. As the rates are getting higher and hence we can easily improve our home renovation and save lot of money. So that is no longer a difficult task.

  2. I'm glad there is one person on the planet who thinks that rising rates will help the housing / property market. Good Luck.
