
Friday, December 17, 2010

Renteria feels "disrespected"!!

File this under one of those "Are you serious!!!" quotes that athletes are famous for uttering.

Where was his concern for "respect" and who was being "disrespected" when he was over-paid and under-performing his 2-yr-$18.5M deal for the 2009-10 seasons? He was getting >$9M in salary then and giving <$1M results. That seems awfully disrespectful. C'mon Man!!!

From ESPN Deportes:

"That offer from the Giants was a lack of respect. A total disrespect. To play for a million dollars, I'd rather stay with my private business and share more time with my family. Thank God I'm well off financially and my money is well invested."

Don't you find it slightly ironic that the reason you are financially well off and therefore able to take time off is at least partly because you were considerably overpaid for the last two years?

Sorry Chief, one series or one swing of the bat doesn't out-weigh a season or two of futility.

BTW, Pat Burrell didn't seem to be "disrespected" when he accepted a similar offer. I guess it beats sitting on the couch collecting zero. We still have the albatross contracts of Zito and Rowand working their way through the organization, so I would be happy if the Giants do not let World Series sentiment and euphoria get in the way of sound business practice.

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