
Monday, July 25, 2011

Giants Trade Rumors continue

Still torn on who I would most like to see. All depends on who has to go to make it all happen. It looks like the Cards are serious about dealing Colby Rasmus with the White Sox stepping up. The Rays call-up of their next phenom in waiting, Desmond Jennings, makes B.J. Upton all the more expendable. Soriano and Beltran are still on the hook as well. For those two veterans, the amount of salary dollars paid and by whom further complicates the equation.

Add one of these guys, sprinkle some Brandon Belt into the lineup more frequently and the return of Tejada / DeRosa from the DL and the lineup could make a late playoff push similar to last year.

Getting to the nitty-gritty at the trade deadline - MLB - Yahoo! Sports:

"As one general manager put it this week: “[B.J.] Upton and Rasmus are better long term, but if I want to win this year, I’m getting Beltran.”"


POSTGAME NOTES: Brian Wilson’s five-pitch save ends a playoff-charged night, SF fans toy with Plush, Runzler drawing attention | Extra Baggs:

"Why all the ink on Runzler all of the sudden? Well, I keep hearing that other clubs are bringing up his name in almost every trade proposal. I’m pretty sure the Giants would not sacrifice Zack Wheeler, Gary Brown or Brandon Belt to get Carlos Beltran. But would they cross the bridge with Runzler and maybe Francisco Peguero? Would that be enough for the Mets?

Wherever Beltran goes, you can bet the Giants will be active on him until the end."


Extra Baggs:

"GM Brian Sabean stopped by the dugout and said there is nothing imminent on the trade front, but that the Giants continue talk to multiple teams, not just the Mets about Carlos Beltran. He said with a thin talent pool, he would actually like to see a couple more teams fall out of their respective races — he didn’t name them, but the Chicago White Sox, Tampa, Minnesota and Cincinnati fit the mold — to improve the selection. He said flatly that at present, he doesn’t think the Giants can improve their situations at catcher or at shortstop because of the slim pickings.

Relating to shortstop, I asked Bruce Bochy if it’s possible Jeff Keppinger might see some time at short and he said possibly, even though he hasn’t played there this year.

As for Beltran, Sabean intimated that with several teams in the hunt, it likely will go down to the trading deadline as the Mets look for the best possible deal."


San Francisco Giants Baseball (SF Giants Rumors):

"With the trading deadline drawing near, Sabean say the Giants do have the flexibility to take on payroll, and said it’s tough to give up a premium prospect.
“We certainly won’t give up an untouchable (prospect),” says Sabean."

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