
Thursday, July 21, 2011

I thought sophists abhorred the use of metaphors anyway??

Can we PLEASE STOP with the use of inaccurate metaphors such as this one in an attempt to explain the debt gridlock to those of us with 'lesser' intelligence?

On Michele Bachmann's migraines:

"Me? I am more concerned about Bachmann's promise to vote against any bill that raises the debt ceiling. Congress bought the car years ago, and put some miles on it; now Bachmann argues that it is moral to avoid the car payments - that's what scares me."

or this one....

Kitchen Table Debate: Families Manage to Balance Budgets, Government Fails to Do the Same -

"'A family, if they get over-extended and their credit card it too high, they don't just stop paying their bills,' he said."

It hasn't helped us push the car out of the ditch and now we have no clue where the damn keys are because the driver and the passenger are too busy fighting over them.

What the TP and other fiscal conservatives concerned about our fiscal condition seem to be saying instead is more along the following lines. I'm sure we've all had similar experiences with our friendly credit card representative or bank loan officer.

"Before we give you the credit limit increase you're requesting Mr. & Mrs. Congress, we notice that your FICO score is lower than it's been the past few times we've granted you an increase. You are now -- what we refer to as -- a sub-prime client. Not trying to pass judgement and I do see that you have been a quality client in the past. It just seems as if things have taken a change for the worse for you recently. I hope you understand our position in this matter.

Our concern RIGHT NOW is, you may not be quite as good a risk to pay us back as you've been in the past.

Perhaps you may need to take some credit counseling classes or maybe a Dave Ramsey course or two before we grant THIS increase. Nothing personal (or racially motivated, for that matter) about it.
You understand, it's just good business practice.

After that Messrs. Moody and Standard & Poors would like to review your plan before we decide on your new credit limit and (higher) interest rate. Have a nice day."

GET A CLUE, FOLKS. (Catch Phrase Alert) IT'S THE DEBT, STUPID!!!

And BTW, grossly misrepresenting peoples position in such a fashion is not a good way to generate good faith bargaining, the old "reach across the aisle" BS we keep hearing. If someone misrepresented me like that it would demonstrate that they either didn't listen very well or had no intention of working with you in the first place.

And BTW II, credit limit increases or debt limit increases, should only apply to 'future' purchases or expenditures, not past charges. Or am I missing something?

Hell, if you could call your CC company and get an extension for shit you've already charged, there would be no such thing as OVER-LIMIT FEES.

Or maybe I need the 'Fiscally Prudent to Crack-Head Economics' translator.

Why either side wastes valuable time trying to continue to score rhetorical points when anyone with a pulse and an IQ over room temperature know that both parties are at fault for past sins, IDK. Just get it done people.

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