
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Giants in like a lion, out like a lamb

The Giants treated the month of August in much the same way that Mother Nature treats the month of March -- In like a lion and out like a lamb.

They entered August with a 61-47 record. In first place. Up by two games.

Fortified (allegedly) by the acquisitions of Jeff Keppinger, Carlos Beltran and Orlando Cabrera.

They enter the last day of August with a 71-66 record. In second place. Down six games.

In like a defending World Series Champion. Out like a borderline .500 team with no spark, no life, no fight, perhaps no heart. At the very least, no discernible pulse.

This team can't even beat the AAA-Astros and now have lost a series to the Cubs. Both teams that have NOTHING left to play for this season.

But we are told. Don't panic.

I suppose the cheap shot would be to say, "I want whatever it is they're smoking" so I don't panic.


Stuff is funny when you're winning, I guess. It's just a sad commentary if you're not. Sorry Chief, just calling 'em as I see 'em.

I for one believe, that a little panic might be in order. It might be just what the doctor ordered.

Maybe I shouldn't mention the doctor around a team that is shedding players to the DL faster than a farmer caught in a combine.

Maybe someone needs to step up in the clubhouse and flip over the team spread.


Or charge the mound after one of our hitters gets brushed back. My bad, you're right, why on earth would anyone brush back one of our hitters? They're not hurting a fly with any of their swings lately.

When would be a good time for this team to start to panic?

If the standard rule of thumb is...

# of games out of first place > # of weeks left in season = Team is pretty much screwed

...then why not start about NOW?!?

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